We are about to close on our dream property, a 10 acre homestead. One of us is keeping our day job, but for tax and zoning purposes we need to gross at least $1k/year from the property, actively using 5 acres for agriculture.
Currently, 7.5 acres are being used for Christmas
trees but the owners cut them all down right before putting the property on the market. So that acreage is now cleared
land. There is a barn and stable, and about 2 acres of fenced pasture.
We already keep
bees and
chickens, so scaling those up is our first idea, since $1k in eggs,
honey, baby chicks, seems possible. We don’t have much
experience growing vegetables or other plants on a large scale.
We could also continue growing the Christmas trees - currently the land is rented to a farmer and we could continue to do that. We likely will do this to start.
Curious as to your brainstorms and ideas!