I usually use wood chips, as well, for the paths going from the house to the barn,
greenhouse, poultry
yard, etc. Since I live in a fairly dry area, I don't usually have to keep them covered all year, but when it does rain, it usually happens over several days, which makes the ground waterlogged & muddy.
Sometimes, if the mud is especially deep, I will lay a paper
feed sack down, first, and then cover with the chips. This just helps keep them from getting pushed down under the surface, so I don't have to use more to re-cover the surface. If the weeds/grass gets too tall that I can't see the path well
enough to see any copperheads napping, I will chop/pull them and add to the surface of the path.
In the gardens I tried alfalfa in the paths, which has worked well as long as it hasn't gotten too tall (then it gets your pant legs wet). If that happens, I just cut/tear the top of the plant off & toss in the garden beds where the mulch is getting thin. It seems to grow back pretty fast if it's been getting enough rain.