Finally found my list. I collected most (all?) of the primitive and exotic fire making methods some time ago. If it's not exhaustive, it's pretty close. If I've missed one, feel free to chime in.
I have tried many, but not all of these. A youtube or google search for any of these will produce copious results.
Most, if not all of the primitive fire making methods work better and easier and faster if you use char cloth, which is easy to make.
Hand fire drill, Rub a stick with your hands on a fireboard until you get smoke and an ember. Better have tough hands and stamina. And the right wood, at the right dryness.
Bow drill on a fireboard until you get smoke and an ember.
Rub a stick in a shallow groove in a fireboard until you get smoke and an ember. Sometimes known as the fire plough.
2 person fire drill with string. One person holds the dowel with the fire stick on the bottom and a bearing stick/board on the top. A little lubricant on the top helps, even if it's just rubbing the stick around in your scalp. The other person wraps a string around the dowel once and a half. They provide the horsepower by sawing the string back and forth, you stabilize the dowel and fire board.
The fire thong. Pass a flexible dry hard split branch or vine (about the size of your little finger) through a groove in the underside of your fireboard. Use a sawing motion. The fireboard has a bowl with a small hole above the groove (still on the underside). The sawing motion put that hot charred dust up into the bowl and provides enough heat to make a tiny coal.
In general, most wood/friction fire making methods do best with a very dry softwood board and a hardwood dowel/shaft. Yellow pine is hard enough and the right resin content to work well as the dowel.
The pump fire drill. This variant put a small flywheel just above the business end. Elegant. Far easier on the hands and generally pretty fast and efficient.
The bamboo fire saw.
Steel wool and 9V battery, ditto car battery, ditto, couple cell phone batteries, ditto several D-cells in series. This can harm the battery, and possibly blow up the car battery.
Fire piston. This is a close fitting piston (often with o-rings) in a small long cylinder. There's a cup or clip on the end to put your char cloth. Slam the piston down in the cylinder and the compression heats the air up past the ignition point of the char cloth. This is how a diesel engine ignites the fuel and is reportedly how Otto Diesel (the inventor) came upon the idea for a new engine.
Ferrocerium rod and steel scraper
Flint and steel
Flint/Ferrocerium/striker and magnesium shavings
Polish the concave bottom of a soda can so it makes a converging mirror. Put char cloth at focal point.
Spontaneous combustion with oily cotton rags. This seems to work better if the oily rag has been lightly washed once. Make it very dry, put it in a warm sunny spot. Wait................
Expose a fingernail sized piece of sodium to water with a pile of tinder over it. And why exactly are you carrying solid sodium around???
Use a magnifying glass, farsighted folks (a “plus” prescription) can use their glasses. Nearsighted folks wear a “minus” prescription which is a diverging lens and useless for fire making.
Make a small loop of wire (or grass in a pinch) and suspend a drop of water inside the circle of wire. This is now a (small) magnifying glass with a short focal length. It takes perfect tinder for this to work. Utterly dry, very fine, not too much wind.
Start with a clear block of ice, carve a 5-6” lens and use as a magnifier to start a fire.
Take a piece of plastic wrap (the size of a dinner plate is good.) Support the plastic wrap on a ring of stones or branches so it's shaped like a bowl. Fill with water, then carefully pick it up, drawing the edges together to make, basically, a water balloon. AHAH! It's a lens. Start fire just like any other lens. Extra exotic—use your own
urine. You should be able to win a bar bet with this one. “HA! I can make fire with piss!”
A clear condom will do the same thing if you stretch the latex thin enough to become transparent to the sun.