Leah sattler, Paul Stamets does not just find out that something works, he then looks at it under the microscope and proves that it works and how.
This is the scientific stuff he talks of related to detox. Mushrooms, toad stool, etc. undo molecules, so do we, in our cases the digestion is in our stomachs, in theirs they treat, wood say to acids and enzymes after, in one case pumping them full of water, without ingesting them first and only ingest them when they have reduced them, so they do digestion outside their bodies.
Well, to mention one case of detox, Paul Stamets says that oyster mushrooms, undo, dissolve or whatever, bonds between hydrogen and
carbon in carbohydrates, bread for example and so why not get them to do the same with petrol a hydro carborate. They did and in a competition to clean soil between bio nerds filling the petrol filled earth with bacteria and some other nerds, it was Paul Stamets who won, he put oyster mushrooms to work on the petrol soaked soil and his fungi really turned petrol filled earth into beautiful top soil covered with mushrooms, that then died, which the insects then came and ate, which insects the birds came and ate, leaving plants seeds behind, so the earth then bloomed with plants.
Put Paul Stamets name in youtube and you can find several videos of this happening. Read his book and you can find out how to make fungal mats which will clean soils air etc. He writes well, its a very easy read.
He trains strains of fungi which will dissolve molecules that are difficult to break down herbicides pesticides and nerve gasses.
He puts the fungi he thinks might do the job in a petri dish in a soup they eat, a sort of water sugar affair with a bit of salt in it to stop it going off, as far as i can make out and he adds a little of the poisonous substance he wants them to degrade, clean up, digest which means whose molecules he wants the fungi to reduce to their components parts, in some cases, maybe you can just change them to other molecules different ones instead of separating all the atoms, i am not a chemist.
A pesticide that is not biodegradable is unbiodegradable because its molecular structure does not break down and change. He tries to find a fungi that will or a strain of fungi that if trained to will, break it down.
He puts the fungi he thinks will maybe digest some horrible substance , like pesticide or nerve gas because it dissolves other substances with the same atoms in them into the mixture he has cooked up to
feed the fungi spore he is trying to germinate in the petri dish, so that the fungi is used to the presence of the poison from birth. When the fungi has developed a bit he starts to reduce the good food in the petri dish, and increase the pesticide or whatever, every two weeks reducing the amount of food in the dish till it is, "or eat pesticide, find a way of digesting it and getting out those carbons or hydrogens, separating them from less edible atoms or die" and he has found fungi that do break that molecule so as to eat its component parts.
You break down a pesticide molecule and you have changed its nature, detoxed it, definitively, no joke.
He says that the tiny thin hypha fungi roots are so very many and each with a
root tip that drips digesting fluids of one type or another and in this way, by trail and error, one dripping one thing and another another, they find out a mix which dissolves whatever.
It is not just a funky it works, with Stamets trying it out it is a thing a scientist has watched happening under the microscope, it is a proved, it is a "i have done it in the petri dish and then i have tried to do the same in the open air and here are the conclusions", which could be I have done it in the petri dish and in the the open air or i still have not managed it in the open air, "take it oh government scientists and test it to see if it has draw backs", like causing cancer or overrunning all other life on the earth or something merry of that type. agri rose macaskie.