Thank everyone for your posts!
Moving things to room to room is probably what started their mess. I call it sh!t shuffling bc it's not cleaning then it has to be moved again...moving things from in the house we're in would require literally making a pile out in the
yard, which is its own problems...I hadn't mentioned the vermin that have also enjoyed the piles of stuff...
We didn't have much of plan other than thinking "they're ready to clean up," and hooboy they were not. We can't even get the coop cleaned out right now, it's full of windows and we don't have a place to put them... someone would love them I'm sure. His mom wants a green house, "that's why she kept and got them." The house we're in has an attached
greenhouse, kinda...they built it on top of a's leaning and the deck it's attached to is warping which runs the length of house. Another structure would only allow her to fill it to the brim with sh!t we don't want in the house and shouldn't be...
As far as "one man's trash, is another's treasure." For sure! However we're in a mountain valley. 2 hours for groceries or real services. Ain't no one wanting that to get to us. We don't even have a regular fridge right now, 2mini ones and a cooler is our fridges. Delivery is a problem.
The main house I mentioned, where his folks are living is in another
city, 4hrs away (2 houses on this dirty property, the other one is where they stay when they come, which isn't often, not even a quarter of the year, but we weren't allowed to move their things from there where we could start clean...). We managed to get the stairs and hallways cleared-ish there, before we were chased out due to a granddaughter moving in for college, which was another problem we were just expected to deal with. Along with Covid...
I'm definitely not in love with the location. Frankly, I hate it. Even if we could get traditional jobs here (min wage at the grocery store), it'd never pay enough to actually live here bc cost of living is so damn high.
I have mentioned even if they do bite the bullet and sell it, we'd still have to clean it up or take whatever financial hit. The worse bit being, there is bulldozer thing overgrown with blackberries, which has value, but his dad doesn't remember if it works or what work it needed after it was parked. Useful? Definitely! He won't repair it, we can't find a mechanic willing to make the drive, yet we can't sell it.
It's like that for all kinds of things. Giant grinders? We got like 10, maybe not actually 10, but more than 5. How about a giant lathe? They had at one point equipment to move this stuff, it's all rotted, non working partner is a smart guy, he's not a big mechanic guy. We talked about that, if he did go learn this stuff (he's just not into it), it'd just be adding more to the resentment
We're not getting anything as far I know house or land, it's supposed to pass to his sister, who apparently had no plans to clean this dump either, just the status quo of coming up when there is time to play...
I like the idea of the salvage business. At least that would get started on another avenue.
I'm sorry if this comes off as whiny. I'm a go get it done kind of gal, who while not a minimalist I tried not to have lots of extra stuff. Not afraid of hard work or getting dirty or using weird stuff for something completely different...I'm just tapped out without a real outlet. Thanks for listening., Sincerely.