There's a bunch of options, from the snap-in round louver vents (link above) that fit into a hole-saw hole, to 10' long louver vent strips, which can replace a strip of the soffit.
If you DIY, then window screen to cover larger holes or cut-outs; or a crazy idea... drill thousands of tiny holes. it's probably easiest to cut strips off a roll of window screen width that you could safely reach to fully secure over the holey soffit from one/each placement of the ladder, (arm's reach L/R)
I'm not so sure that you actually WANT
bees to build a hive/comb/honey in your walls... if they could find their way into the interior, that could be a big hassle.
Mainly, you wouldn't want the hive to attract mice or other insects that would be attracted to rob the honey, or eat the bees, or whatever. Hard
enough to keep the mice out, without luring them in.