Mac abees wrote:ok i know if the water wheel turns slow enough a pump can fill the buckets on the wheel and the generator will run the pump but it has to be worked out just right so it will sustain its self. Ive heard it cant be done but i just makes so much sense to me that i wont let up until i figure it out . im tired of paying $250.00 dollars a month to the electric company every month.
Mac abees wrote:Wow thats exactly what i was looking for 3 rpm is all that wheel turns nice! So a 24 ft tall wheel, @ 2 ft wide or a 12 ft wheel @ 6 ft wide is where my calculations are taking me, Thanks again john.
Austin Shackles : email anshackles"at"
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
Austin Shackles : email anshackles"at"
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
Austin Shackles : email anshackles"at"
james simmons wrote:Can you add gears to turn a small low rotation rpm into more?
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
Mac abees wrote:Ok here goes! I need to build an over shot water wheel, head does not matter, speed does not matter. All i need to figure out is how big, wide and deep a wheel I need to get at least 70 to 80 horse power at the shaft if some one can help me with that i can build a generator system anywhere. I will explain the rest after my patent lol. Eveyone one seems to be hooked on speed or rpms thats not what you need. The wheel should be at a snails pace but geared to spin a generator at 3600 rpm. Its right here in my head but to actually work it out in the real world i need help at this point the rest is easy. Im using just the pure natural weight of the water to turn the wheel.
Phil Bannon wrote:
Mac abees wrote:Ok here goes! I need to build an over shot water wheel, head does not matter, speed does not matter. All i need to figure out is how big, wide and deep a wheel I need to get at least 70 to 80 horse power at the shaft if some one can help me with that i can build a generator system anywhere. I will explain the rest after my patent lol. Eveyone one seems to be hooked on speed or rpms thats not what you need. The wheel should be at a snails pace but geared to spin a generator at 3600 rpm. Its right here in my head but to actually work it out in the real world i need help at this point the rest is easy. Im using just the pure natural weight of the water to turn the wheel.
5 Dia Wheel Wire spool
2.5 Radius
5 mph Stream
50 pounds of force on the wheel is not too un-imaginable
15.707963267948966192313216916398 circumference
Since 5280 feet = 1 mile
1680.6761990504147457194125412137 RPH
28.011269984173579095323542353562 RPM
5.6022539968347158190647084707123 RPM = a 5 foot Dia wheel needs to turn about 5 RPM to reach 1 mph
28.011269984173579095323542353562 RPM to reach 5 Mile an Hour
125 pounds of torque = 50 x 2.5R
70 to 6 teeth 1:11.666666666666666666666666666667 (Bicycle Cog to Lawn mower sprocket)
28.011269984173579095323542353562 x 11= 308.12396982590937004855896588918
308.12396982590937004855896588918 RPM (Too low RPM)
70 to 6 teeth 1:11.666666666666666666666666666667 (Bicycle Cog to Lawn mower sprocket) again
3389.363668085003070534148624781 RPM
5.6818181818181818181818181818182 Pounds of torque If Torque is some what Hp relative, then
5 hp Minus the deficiencies of the RPM multiplier(s)
About 4,000 Watts
However, 3600 RPM is not needed (For 60cps) if a Car Alternator is used
Suggest; 800 RPM Field dependent (Stator) Low RPM is more efficient and less Cost
Also consider;
Alternator uses a electro magnetic field which is voltage variable = variable wattage output
Generator uses a perm magnetic field which is not variable = Wattage output is RPM dependent
Smaller the Wheel is the faster it will turn
Power (or wattage) is developed by Torque
When generating AC Power the only thing to consider in RPM is Cycles per second.
To get 60 CPS Most small AC Generators require 1800rpm and Lighter portables are 3600rpm
To get 80 hp my figures can be extrapolated
Phil Bannon wrote:
Mac abees wrote:Ok here goes! I need to build an over shot water wheel, head does not matter, speed does not matter. All i need to figure out is how big, wide and deep a wheel I need to get at least 70 to 80 horse power at the shaft if some one can help me with that i can build a generator system anywhere. I will explain the rest after my patent lol. Eveyone one seems to be hooked on speed or rpms thats not what you need. The wheel should be at a snails pace but geared to spin a generator at 3600 rpm. Its right here in my head but to actually work it out in the real world i need help at this point the rest is easy. Im using just the pure natural weight of the water to turn the wheel.
5 Dia Wheel Wire spool
2.5 Radius
5 mph Stream
50 pounds of force on the wheel is not too un-imaginable
15.707963267948966192313216916398 circumference
Since 5280 feet = 1 mile
1680.6761990504147457194125412137 RPH
28.011269984173579095323542353562 RPM
5.6022539968347158190647084707123 RPM = a 5 foot Dia wheel needs to turn about 5 RPM to reach 1 mph
28.011269984173579095323542353562 RPM to reach 5 Mile an Hour
125 pounds of torque = 50 x 2.5R
70 to 6 teeth 1:11.666666666666666666666666666667 (Bicycle Cog to Lawn mower sprocket)
28.011269984173579095323542353562 x 11= 308.12396982590937004855896588918
308.12396982590937004855896588918 RPM (Too low RPM)
70 to 6 teeth 1:11.666666666666666666666666666667 (Bicycle Cog to Lawn mower sprocket) again
3389.363668085003070534148624781 RPM
5.6818181818181818181818181818182 Pounds of torque If Torque is some what Hp relative, then
5 hp Minus the deficiencies of the RPM multiplier(s)
About 4,000 Watts
However, 3600 RPM is not needed (For 60cps) if a Car Alternator is used
Suggest; 800 RPM Field dependent (Stator) Low RPM is more efficient and less Cost
Also consider;
Alternator uses a electro magnetic field which is voltage variable = variable wattage output
Generator uses a perm magnetic field which is not variable = Wattage output is RPM dependent
Smaller the Wheel is the faster it will turn
Power (or wattage) is developed by Torque
When generating AC Power the only thing to consider in RPM is Cycles per second.
To get 60 CPS Most small AC Generators require 1800rpm and Lighter portables are 3600rpm
To get 80 hp my figures can be extrapolated
Mac abees wrote:Ok here goes! I need to build an over shot water wheel, head does not matter, speed does not matter. All i need to figure out is how big, wide and deep a wheel I need to get at least 70 to 80 horse power at the shaft if some one can help me with that i can build a generator system anywhere. I will explain the rest after my patent lol. Eveyone one seems to be hooked on speed or rpms thats not what you need. The wheel should be at a snails pace but geared to spin a generator at 3600 rpm. Its right here in my head but to actually work it out in the real world i need help at this point the rest is easy. Im using just the pure natural weight of the water to turn the wheel.
Peter Mckinlay wrote:A horsepower is x poundage weight per second (see web). A gallon of water weighs 10 pounds. The time of water weight being held is when the bucket is full to start of drain out.
Marcos Buenijo wrote:Peter, please note that a unit of mechanical power requires a length dimension (power being energy/work per unit time, and work being force times distance). That is, it's not merely weight per second, but weight (i.e. force) times distance per second (see web: One horsepower is defined as 550 foot pounds per second.
I agree. Here's the link: |