I spent a little while collecting seeds today
First is sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) seed i collected on my plot for a friend. This sour plant is in the buckwheat family. If you zoom in on the seeds they look very similar to buckwheat seeds. This plant is a good indicator of where blueberries would grow well.
Second, i collected some black medick (Medicago lupulina) seeds from the abbey "pond". Many consider these to be a weed, but they are in fact a low growing nitrogen fixer. These can be grown at the same time and space as grain. They will stay low
enough to not interfere with grain harvest and will fertilize the grain patch. The seeds are actually yellowish and these are the black pods of this legume, similar to
pea pods.
Third, i collected golden clover (Trifolium aureum) seeds from the drainage on the other side of the abbey. These grow wild in the woods here, but at the abbey they grow in a concentrated patch on recently disturbed ground. Again these are puffy pods enclosing the seeds within.
After i collect these i have to leave the bowls outside for a while so the spiders and other bugs can crawl out.