The second set of photos are of the same clump of mushrooms. These were just growing on the ground near the path. One photo is from above and one from below showing the pores (not gills) and the veil on one of the younger mushrooms.
L. Johnson wrote:
What resources do you use for plant, creature, and mushroom IDs?
Philip McGarvey wrote:
Those look like they could be the Suillus genus (slippery jack, fat jack, etc). The Suillus are edible, but not the nicest of mushrooms. I ended up powdering them and putting them into crackers where the taste is masked by other things. But with enough garlic and butter and salt and long enough cooking they can be okay fresh.
Fred Tyler wrote:
I have not been able to ID those beyond the Suillus genus. There always seems to be one or two characteristics that are different from the guide books. Just last week i heard someone at the Radical Mycology Convergence telling how they used slippery jacks in crackers because they couldn't find another use that was palatable...was that you?
Beau Davidson wrote:I brought a big bag of black walnut for Jeff to make dye. Not sure that ever happened. They may still be kicking around the seed room.
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