When you reach your lowest point, you are open to the greatest change.
-Avatar Aang
Nothing ruins a neighborhood like paved roads and water lines.
My book arts: https://biblioarty.wordpress.com/
My book arts: https://biblioarty.wordpress.com/
WARNING permaculture is highly addictive, it may cause life altering changes such as valuing people, community and resources, and promote respect, learning, support and kindness .
Alina Green wrote:Flora, see the white round things to the left in your photo? Those will turn dark purple later, and fall off eventually. You can pick them when they turn dark and plant them like that to get a new plant.
My book arts: https://biblioarty.wordpress.com/
Flora Eerschay wrote:I had a few of these dark berries... but I tossed them all to compost. Maybe they will sprout, if frosts don't kill them?
Alina Green wrote:
If you can grow only one thing, I vote for herbs, because you don't need much, they change the flavor of your dishes tremendously, and they are generally quite easy to grow. You can also drink iced or hot tea from them, too, and most have medicinal properties as well. Plus you usually get fragrance, too, which can be very appreciated in a closed-up house with cold, bleak weather outside...I imagine, anyway!
Zone 6, 45 inches precipitation, hard clay soil
Beauty is in the eye of the tiny ad.
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies