Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
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Andy Ze wrote:Coming from a rural area to a large city, it was difficult to find decent outdoor experiences near my house. After several years of experience, these are some tips for finding interesting hikes or natural areas in the 'burbs. I'd be interested to hear the strategies of others.
- Rail lines require a right-of-way on either side. Usually this area is kept wild because nobody is allowed to build there. I find a lot of trails near rail lines.
- Similarly with rivers. Because of the risk of flooding, there is usually some wild space on either side of a river. You can often find some pretty good hikes near rivers. It's also fun to hike straight down a river if it's low.
- ^Same deal with power lines.
- Obviously google "best hikes in my_city" and so on
- Apps can help, such as MTB Project or All Trails. But I prefer to follow rail lines or rivers because you will encounter fewer people and usually some interesting graffiti.
I be the best me I can be, to be the strongest me I can be, to learn the most I can. I don't know what comes next. But I'm gonna go into it balls to the walls, flames in my hair, and full speed ahead.
I'm good with that - horse shit is useful for the garden, although I'd worry if the hay in the area had left-over broad leaf yuck in it. Wouldn't that get looks, if I was off hiking with a shovel and my wheel barrow???Susan Mené wrote:Some of the inconsistency of trail rules in my area: there are big fines for not cleaning up after your dog, but zero fines for not cleaning up after your horse.
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
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I'm good with that - horse shit is useful for the garden, although I'd worry if the hay in the area had left-over broad leaf yuck in it. Wouldn't that get looks, if I was off hiking with a shovel and my wheel barrow???"
I be the best me I can be, to be the strongest me I can be, to learn the most I can. I don't know what comes next. But I'm gonna go into it balls to the walls, flames in my hair, and full speed ahead.
Jay Angler wrote:
I'm good with that - horse shit is useful for the garden, although I'd worry if the hay in the area had left-over broad leaf yuck in it. Wouldn't that get looks, if I was off hiking with a shovel and my wheel barrow???Susan Mené wrote:Some of the inconsistency of trail rules in my area: there are big fines for not cleaning up after your dog, but zero fines for not cleaning up after your horse.
Nicky & Dave
Founders of Permaculture Gardens and the Grow-it-Yourself Program
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Alpaca poop is awesome for the garden. However, to answer the larger question, not only is "you are what you eat" a factor, but the corollary, "you poop what you eat". Because of that, herbivore poop is usually considered safer in the garden than carnivore poop. The tendency of an animal to carry diseases that can transfer through poop to humans is also a factor. Certain animals are more likely to carry nasty things that require high heat for a longer time to render safe - think botulism in home canning, vs some microbes like bread yeast that die at about 115F. Unfortunately, humans have added another factor which is long acting toxic gick.Susan Mené wrote:Come to think of it, what makes one animal's poop beneficial and another's bad? Why horse poop in the garden and and not dog or cat or alpaca or whale poop? Is there a thread here about animal poop?
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
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I be the best me I can be, to be the strongest me I can be, to learn the most I can. I don't know what comes next. But I'm gonna go into it balls to the walls, flames in my hair, and full speed ahead.
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