They say time's the great healer, and that's true. It's just not a very good anaesthetist, is the problem,
Whose lunar deity is not male is destined to be dominated by his wife. -- Old Hindu proverb
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
I'm only 64! That's not to old to learn to be a permie, right?
"Them that don't know him don't like him and them that do sometimes don't know how to take him, he ain't wrong he's just different and his pride won't let him do the things to make you think he's right" - Ed Bruce (via Waylon and WIllie)
Anne Miller wrote:Herbs that help with lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, and improving circulation are all good for the heart.
My suggestion would be to eat foods with garlic and fennel.
I bought turmeric capsules for dear hubby though foods that include turmeric would be good.
I am sure you know this though when it come to blood pressure and heart conditions it is best to talk with a MD. These are two things that are very important to life.
They say time's the great healer, and that's true. It's just not a very good anaesthetist, is the problem,
Whose lunar deity is not male is destined to be dominated by his wife. -- Old Hindu proverb
Jane Mulberry wrote:What Anne said! With heart stuff, getting an opinion from some sort of qualified health professional is usually wise. There are various herbs that are specific for heart health and arrhythmia, but it depends if you feel your heartbeat is too slow or too fast during an episode, and if it's regular or irregular.
Foe example, hawthorn is a great heart strengthener, but can slow the heartbeat and lower blood pressure quite a lot. So if you already have a slow heartbeat and your blood pressure drops during episodes (feeling faint, light-headed and dizzy can be a sign of that) it might not be your best choice. And the other hand if your heart beats fast and you feel anxious during an episode, motherwort is a great herb for this. Getting advice from a herbalist who can check your pulse and blood pressure and discuss the symptoms in depth with you would make a big difference in getting the best herb for you.
They say time's the great healer, and that's true. It's just not a very good anaesthetist, is the problem,
Whose lunar deity is not male is destined to be dominated by his wife. -- Old Hindu proverb
Judson Carroll wrote:My favorites are hawthorn and ajuga reptans. Borage might be good
They say time's the great healer, and that's true. It's just not a very good anaesthetist, is the problem,
Whose lunar deity is not male is destined to be dominated by his wife. -- Old Hindu proverb
Jojo Cameron wrote:Hi Everyone,
I had a strange, flu-like illness while abroad last year, and my heart hasn't been the same since. I've always had some sort of arrhythmia, but only occasionally, and after things like eating too much dark chocolate. However, my heartbeat seems weaker than it was before illness, and lately I'm having icy sensations in my chest, and the arrhythmia is happening during the day, for no apparent reason.
-- Jojo
Thom Bri wrote:
I was a cardiac nurse for 5 years, and now ICU. For your symptoms I suggest a quick trip to the emergency room. At worst it's a waste of a few hours and bit of uncomfortableness. In many cases it's something fixable if done on time. Not fixable if left too late.
Dizziness isn't something to ignore. It suggests a weak heart or poor circulation to the brain. An irregular heart beat can cause that. Depending on the exact type of irregularity and the cause, it can often be fixed.
By the way, I sympathize with your story of the weird, flulike illness. I always had low blood pressure until 2 years ago when I caught Covid. Suddenly now I have high blood pressure. I am convinced it caused some vascular damage.
Sorry I don't have any advice with foods or herbs.
They say time's the great healer, and that's true. It's just not a very good anaesthetist, is the problem,
Whose lunar deity is not male is destined to be dominated by his wife. -- Old Hindu proverb
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
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Carla Burke wrote:
His routine includes Hawthorne (heart strength & general heart health), passionflower (pulmonary strength, artery resiliency/flexibility, stress) & St John's Wort (stress, anxiety, blood pressure, pain), and Mimosa, because he's had a great deal of grief that has added to his mental/ emotional pain).
They say time's the great healer, and that's true. It's just not a very good anaesthetist, is the problem,
Whose lunar deity is not male is destined to be dominated by his wife. -- Old Hindu proverb
The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance.~Ben Franklin
Jojo Cameron wrote:
I did go to A-n-E, but the waiting time was 12 hours, and I gave up after 6, because I had work to do, and they'd put me as 'Not very urgent'. I took that as a good sign. It also meant I could have been there indefinitely, because anybody in any of the three more-urgent categories would've been seen before me.
The problem is most likely a combination of too much caffeine/sugar, plus stress, plus the weakening effect of whatever it was I had last year.
I have a hawthorn twig I'm going to make tea with, because it seems it can't hurt.
I also spoke to a Polish healthfood shop owner, who said, "If it's the heart, it's probably stress-related. If you're gonna die, you're gonna die, regardless of how many supplements you take, so stop making things worse by getting stressed, and appreciate the present moment!" This was refreshing, and mildly shocking to hear from someone who makes a living selling supplements and healthfood!
Things are in flux a bit much to go to the doctor, but I will at some point. In the meantime, I'll try some of the non-controversial herbal remedies, like hawthorn and St. John's wort.
Thanks for the tips!
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