Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Joe Grand wrote:Black walnuts, you can get nuts after ten years, after sixty years of nuts & shade you can get $1000. to $100,000.00
for the first eight feet of trunk, if you followed a few simple rules.
De-fund the Mosquito Police!
Become extra-civilized...
Joe Grand wrote:Black walnuts, you can get nuts after ten years, after sixty years of nuts & shade you can get $1000. to $100,000.00 for the first eight feet of trunk, if you followed a few simple rules.
$10.00 is a donation. $1,000 is an investment, $1,000,000 is a purchase.
Cécile Stelzer Johnson wrote:
Joe Grand wrote:Black walnuts, you can get nuts after ten years, after sixty years of nuts & shade you can get $1000. to $100,000.00 for the first eight feet of trunk, if you followed a few simple rules.
Black walnut lumber is indeed extremely valuable and folks, here in Wisconsin, have stolen black walnut logs because they are so valuable. Considering that past the planting and a bit of watering in the first year you only have to wait to get a nice chunk of change, I'd say that is an excellent return on the investment.
Bless your Family,
Trish Doherty wrote:
I see groundnuts listed a lot. Does anyone have a good source for them? They're not the same as peanuts, right?
'What we do now echoes in eternity.' Marcus Aurelius
How Permies Works Dr. Redhawk's Epic Soil Series
Mike Haasl wrote:Multiplier or potato onions seem like they fit the bill.
Turns out there is a nearby yard that is covered in stones with prickly pear cactus growing up around it!
My plant is looking pretty bad, it was in a pretty damp pot, but its drying out now.
Maybe I'll give it a nice half barrel of sand rocks and gravel and see how it does in that.
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
Bless your Family,
Michael Moreken wrote:Got a few free elderberry plants (~two years, maybe production this year, for chickens raw, cooked for people.
Saved a small barrel of Beauregard yams grew last year 4 tiny plants turned into monsters. So maybe I'll plant them around the back yard, I'll have to watch out and not mow to much of their leaves.
$10.00 is a donation. $1,000 is an investment, $1,000,000 is a purchase.
Cécile Stelzer Johnson wrote:
Mike Barkley wrote:As far as I know they sell slips only. Here's their shipment dates.
Thanks again, Mike. That might actually work in my zone [WI-6]. We can't really plant tomatoes either until after Memorial day.
Maybe I can write them a nice letter and add a lot of pretty please and maybe they would sell me the tubers in the Fall so I can make slips in the Spring. That would work.
In the south when the wind gets to 75 mph they give it a name and call it a hurricane. Here we call it a mite windy...
Cécile Stelzer Johnson wrote:
Michael Moreken wrote:Got a few free elderberry plants (~two years, maybe production this year, for chickens raw, cooked for people.
Saved a small barrel of Beauregard yams grew last year 4 tiny plants turned into monsters. So maybe I'll plant them around the back yard, I'll have to watch out and not mow to much of their leaves.
Have you started making slips of your Beauregard? You didn't indicate your growing zone, but here in Wisconsin I make my slips in March/ April.
For the elderberry plants, they are too good to give to chickens [although they'd be great at doing the cleaning.]
I made hardwood cuttings of my elderberries, thinking well, even if I have a couple that make it, that will be a success!. Well, I made 36 cuttings and all but 3 are making it.. Mainly for jellies [the color is out of this world] and for the winter syrup.
This is my favorite recipe:
To make it last longer, I add a generous amount of Vodka [Honey and Vodka are time extenders]. Since I start from fresh, I'm not sure how long it will make or last.
The liqueur is not too shabby either!
Bless your Family,
Michael Moreken wrote:Yams maybe many places, they really spread their wings!
Maybe try getting comfrey roots out to spread comfrey plants. The mother plant has two babies a few feet away.
Got to battle birds eating the oil sunflower seed, so changing sunflower so I can get seeds.
Bless your Family,
Amy Gardener wrote:Prickly pear cactus. Over the years I've divided plants and moved them for their stunning beauty: big yellow flowers, succulent texture, gorgeous red fruits. Now this nutrient rich food source surrounds my entire property. Prickly pear cactus is known as, "poor man's bread" since it is always available for sustenance. While there aren't many calories in prickly pear pads, a lovely meal can always be had by harvesting the quail, quail eggs, rabbits, and other wild life that munch on this important desert food source.
pax amor et lepos in iocando
pax amor et lepos in iocando
Melissa Ferrin wrote:My dad's hobby was carpentry. I think any tree that produces luxury wood is money in the bank. The most expensive woods he ever bough were tropical, Ebony, Padauk, and Purple Heart, but black walnut or what ever grows where you live would be a good investment.
$10.00 is a donation. $1,000 is an investment, $1,000,000 is a purchase.
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
How Permies works:
My projects on Skye: The tree field, Growing and landracing, perennial polycultures, "Don't dream it - be it! "
Lexie Smith wrote:I planted muraski sweet potatoes in my greenhouse several years ago as an experiment. The few left after harvest have continued to come back year after year. I’ll get my son to dig some up and report back on the palatable question. I just don’t know if they remain sweet and not stringy but they sure do produce a bunch of almost year round fodder for the bunnies. I grow a plot of clover and lots of nasturtiums in the greenhouse to feed the bunnies and provide one of my favorite salad greens as well as my go to medicine for infections. Nasturtium tincture wipes out lots of nasty bugs and doesn’t even taste bad.
$10.00 is a donation. $1,000 is an investment, $1,000,000 is a purchase.
Barbara Kochan wrote:I got all excited about growing sweet potatoes a few years back until I realized what is required to cure them. I live very simply so don't have a place I can keep hot and humid enough when they would be harvested. I am curious in reading about the Asian Sweet Potato now ... Does it also require curing ("hold them at 85 degrees F with 90 to 95 percent relative humidity (RH) for 4 to 7 days")?
$10.00 is a donation. $1,000 is an investment, $1,000,000 is a purchase.
Barbara Kochan wrote:Thank you Cécile! Just what I am so happy to try. I wonder if/why the container needs to be clear ... I have everything I need save the clear container, I have a couple opaque ones. For others who want to see the how to on the container jump to 9:30 or so in the video.
$10.00 is a donation. $1,000 is an investment, $1,000,000 is a purchase.
My sister got engaged to a hamster. This tiny ad is being too helpful:
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