I know what i have learnt from
permaculture, i know what part of what i now know is not dependent on on
books about organic
gardening but on
I suppose
permaculture and all like, groups are founded on the health of the world and on our health , though maybe others see such things a different way, though in respect for Dave Chapellies reality principals, there are people who rather than being convinced, all things weighed, that other ways are haealthier for more people, don't give a damn about the health and survival of anything other than themselves.
Permacultura taught me what agricultural scientist probably know about
water harvesting and what is, maybe, just permicultural in some aspects and sureing up mountainsides and bettering the use of the little rainfall you might receive, a subject that does not seem to be normal for the layman, that probably is normal for landscapers and forest experts.
permaculturists try to make availiable to everyone and to think of ways everyone could implement the ideas that normally just help help rich groups like golf courses, big expensive goverment projects, so that everyone can use them if they deam they might be usefull. They are making knowledge that was not our general knowledge part of our general culture. When everyone knows its potential for helping increases.
Robert Hart a man who practices food forests but not 'swaling' a
Bill Mollison thing, always considering that i have spent very little time investigating the history of these ideas, was inspired by a Japanese evangelist reformer called,
Toyohiko Tagawa, who, setting out to reduce erosion, proposed planting
trees to hold the soil,
feed people, and animals, his three point plan.
Robert Hart seems to think that combining interests, helping soil with the peoples need to survive was
Toyohikos Tagawas idea .
Bill Mollison idea is to observe all the different complex interelations of a forest to understand how to grow more and better the food production while we better soil.
When you know soil health is important to all of us, if you care about us, you are just thinking of how to persuade others to look after soils and you come up with food forests. So that is
permaculture, just beng practicle about how to make people leave a good inheritance to future generations, save the world. Permaculture is simple marketing of their product, how to save the world and it is the work of improving there ideas an dmaking them more efficient as far as ai am concerned.
Now days with gallloping global warming and it will gallop faster, chinese and others use more cars everyday and the melting ice and warming waters realease methane, before frozen that will acelerate the process, our need to be healthy has become a crushing need. if we don't reverse things global warming will effect us long before the time marks scientists talk of arrive. in my life and soon, not in a hundred years wheni wont suffer.
I suppose Bill Mollison wanted to pass on ideas about healthy treatment of the earth and thought up a name for his team, for all the ideas he tries to promote. He has a lot of good ideas but thinking up names is not his strong point, think of a imaginary name like, The London Hawks" and a word like "Permaculture" and you can understand just how bad he is at it. Maybe thinkng of the most uncool idea in the world is just hopelessly Australian like Dame Edna Everage, ideas. To take a leaf out of leah sattler book i include here this smiley
.My family who like ridiculising people, most especially me, say, ¿What are you doing? and i say, "writting about Permaculture". Terrible! How could he do that to his followers. Permanants were the hairstyles old ladies had when i was a child, maybe he has a twisted sense of humor.
In the past the idea that your farm was passed on to your children was a motive for trying to look after the
land. The chemical sellers have done a really good job persuading people to give up some good ideas like thinking of their grandchildren, in order to
sell their destructive stuff. I suppose they just persuade people that they will grow more for the world with their products, the bad always twist moral arguements to win hearts and minds, also they just hound farmers into a position were they are obliged to sell up to firms like Smithfeilds. The chemical companies and the factory farm companies are, like i said before, a new brand of that sort of bad ranchers who stole poor peoples land and water, mentioned in cowboy films. And they are what
Geoff Lawton says goats are in the dead sea, "
maggots eating everything to the bone".
Bill Mollison has a use for autumns glut of fruit, my house is full of quinces and apples now, and i woudl like to say, unless you know where to sell fruit, don't grow more than one of each type of each fruit tree, they produce a lot. bill mollisons idea is that you feed your glut to the pigs and they turn it into meat you can eat later. I have just fallen in my vegetarianism and am filling myself full of meat. I hope to give up again some day. Bill Mollison,
Sepp Holzer, Paul Wheaton, think of ways to help peole survive while they better their soils.
Seed balls were new to me. I have seen them but i did not know them as a way of planting that allowed you to spread seeds without having to bury them a bit, with less fear of them being eaten and such. Also making them yourself was new to me.
The idea that forests give us an example of how to grow a lot was new.
Permaculturists suggest learning by doing things as well as by reading about them. I know that growing plants on my balcony helps me get good at growing them. I start to find out how they react to fertilizers, some crumple up and die if given more than very little fertilizer. Lack of light, too much light. If i forget to water them i find out which ones flourish with a lack of water, etc.. I can see because i grow them that 'trandescantia' live for ages with no water, it makes me wonder if there aren't more explanations than the given ones for how plants survive shortages of water. So, i agree trying things really helps you know about them.
Observing things helps, though i am not sure that it is easy to ask questions without the sort of biggish amount of knowledge that gets you thinking about new things too. Masanubo
Fukuoka observed nature but he did have a career as a soil scientist and
Sepp Holzer too has studies at university. I dont think people have to go to university to study, Jesus Charco did not and he is a great green life forest anti desertification observer. He did however study on his own.
Breakthroughs are breakthroughs, usually one man does not make too many in his life, it is the accumulation of break throughs that really help. We can benefit from a lot of breakthroughs because we stand on the shouldiers of our forebears, we no longer have to invent the wheel etc.. Inventions also spoil things for us, ploughing seemed like a great idea and now its consequences are becoming evident or at least the cons of land left fallow are becoming evident, the soil gets carried off leaving worse soil the usefull humus particles and the usefull clay ones clay sticks things together and holds on to nutrients so they aren't carried away though too much clay can be a problem, are lighter than other particles and get carried away first leaving the soil impoverished. In the end erosion leaves us with bare rock. Fertilisers seemed a great idea but they salt up the earth and people believed in them so much they stoppped putting in organic matter and ended up with soils that absorb and retain less water. agri
rose macaskie.