Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
Living in Anjou , France,
For the many not for the few
Tyler Ludens wrote:English Ivy is the devil. We rented a house with English Ivy in part of the yard, and it was always try to smother the trees. I can't understand why someone would plant such a maintenance nightmare in a yard (or anywhere). Ivy, lawns, these things must be remnants from a time when lords could direct their underlings to laboriously maintain landscapes. Did immigrants to the New World fancy themselves lords and try to emulate those manicured gardens?
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Ask me about food.
How Works (lots of useful links)
Neil Layton wrote:
European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) are broadly fine and were an important food source for predators in their native Iberia. Here they are a nuisance. In Australia they are a serious problem, partly - but only partly - because of prior damage to the ecosystem by humans.
Our Microgreens:
Julia Winter wrote:
I think the best description of this argument between some native plant enthusiasts and permaculturalists is "divide and conquer." A small number of people can control a large number of people if they can just get them competing between themselves and/or arguing amongst themselves.
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:
Julia Winter wrote:
I think the best description of this argument between some native plant enthusiasts and permaculturalists is "divide and conquer." A small number of people can control a large number of people if they can just get them competing between themselves and/or arguing amongst themselves.
This seems to be saying that a small number of people are trying to control permaculturists. I'm not convinced permaculturists will stop practicing permaculture because some people disagree about natives versus non-natives.
Or is it some other large number of people who are being controlled? To what end are they being controlled?
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Neil Layton wrote: The main problem, as I see it, with Orion's book, is that her perspective threatens to separate us from those natural allies by de-emphasising native biodiversity.
Those vested interests seek to control everyone and everything not part of their 1% club.
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:
Neil Layton wrote: The main problem, as I see it, with Orion's book, is that her perspective threatens to separate us from those natural allies by de-emphasising native biodiversity.
Those vested interests seek to control everyone and everything not part of their 1% club.
This seems to be saying that Tao Orion is working for the 1% or that we here in thread are working for the 1 % because we are discussing (what some people seem to see as disagreeing) about this topic.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Neil Layton wrote:
I think we need to resolve the differences in perspective, but I don't think we should allow ourselves to become so bogged down in that process that we lose sight of the real enemy.
Idle dreamer
Neil Layton wrote:
I think we need to resolve the differences in perspective, but I don't think we should allow ourselves to become so bogged down in that process that we lose sight of the real enemy.
Tyler Ludens wrote:
Neil Layton wrote:
I think we need to resolve the differences in perspective, but I don't think we should allow ourselves to become so bogged down in that process that we lose sight of the real enemy.
Do you think this bogging down is actually occurring? I don't think it probably is, personally. I don't think native plant enthusiasts are going to stop planting and protecting native plants or that permaculturists are going to stop practicing permaculture because somebody wrote an article and some other people discussed it.
I like to think most permaculturists choose to use some native plants in their systems and that most permaculturists don't willy-nilly include invasive species in their designs. I think the permaculturists who want to use invasives are probably going to do it even if people here on permies attempt to discourage them from it. There are some very determined people here!
But overall, if the article and this discussion are a plot to divide and conquer, I think it is a failure.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Tyler Ludens wrote:
Neil Layton wrote:
I think we need to resolve the differences in perspective, but I don't think we should allow ourselves to become so bogged down in that process that we lose sight of the real enemy.
Do you think this bogging down is actually occurring?
R Ranson wrote:
Reading the article linked in the OP, I think it is.
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:
R Ranson wrote:
Reading the article linked in the OP, I think it is.
I think you're saying the author is becoming bogged down. I can't see it happening here on permies. I don't think any of us are going to stop practicing permaculture because of that article.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Ask me about food.
How Works (lots of useful links)
Julia Winter wrote: we have more in common than we think.
Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
Mick Fisch wrote:
Someone with the requisite knowledge and hopefully a degree of public recognition (note how I gracefully avoided accepting responsibility to be the point man) needs to develop a valid, quantifiable list of invasive species, including wheres, whys and any other potentially useful information. Over a relatively short time, given the lack of such a data base currently, it would probably gain acceptance and have data volunteered by more and more sources, hopefully making it more and more reliable. Putting together the list would be a huge job, but once it was available and advertised, I think a lot of the accidental problems would go away. This is probably the best long term solution I can think of.
Alien species can act as vectors for new diseases, alter ecosystem processes, change biodiversity, disrupt cultural landscapes, reduce the value of land and water for human activities and cause other socio-economic consequences for man.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Idle dreamer
alex Keenan wrote:
Permaculture is just another theory on ecosystem design.
Bad ecosystem design will always be bad ecosystem design.
Good ecosystem design will increase the chances of a functioning ecosystem.
Idle dreamer
Mick Fisch wrote:
Someone with the requisite knowledge and hopefully a degree of public recognition (note how I gracefully avoided accepting responsibility to be the point man) needs to develop a valid, quantifiable list of invasive species, including wheres, whys and any other potentially useful information. Over a relatively short time, given the lack of such a data base currently, it would probably gain acceptance and have data volunteered by more and more sources, hopefully making it more and more reliable. Putting together the list would be a huge job, but once it was available and advertised, I think a lot of the accidental problems would go away. This is probably the best long term solution I can think of.
I thinking I will write up a suggestion and contact my states department of natural resources about it. If a bunch of states worked together, something good might happen.
Ask me about food.
How Works (lots of useful links)
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
Xisca - pics! Dry subtropical Mediterranean - My project
However loud I tell it, this is never a truth, only my experience...
Rick Valley at Julie's Farm
Dillon Nichols wrote: the pine beetle that has killed so much forest that you can't really fathom it except from the air or sat pics...
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
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