Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
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Neil Layton wrote:
I think that if we are going to experiment with novel ecosystems we need to be very careful with them, and there may be places where they just shouldn't be.
Idle dreamer
Tyler Ludens wrote:
Neil Layton wrote:
I think that if we are going to experiment with novel ecosystems we need to be very careful with them, and there may be places where they just shouldn't be.
This is one of my concerns when I read of permaculturists wanting to move to remote areas in the mountains or deserts, where there may be intact or nearly intact ecosystems. People think they want to be pioneers or maybe escape from societal collapse, but I worry about them damaging healthy ecosystems instead of choosing already degraded land, maybe with its own set of invasives already, and rehabilitating it. I'd like to see permaculturists discouraged from trying to be pioneers in healthy ecosystems.
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:
I love my harsh environment! I read posts like the one about mowing the lawn to herd snakes, and frogs towards safe zones, and I am flabbergasted. I have never saw a snake, frog, lizard, salamander, or toad on my farm. I read posts sometimes from people that do have them, and I get the heeby-jeebies for a few days afterwards. Getting startled by sticks in the lawn...
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:When I lived in Ohio, I was fishing in the early morning, when a bullfrog bellowed a few feet behind me. It's the most frightened that I have ever been in my life!!!
"People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do."
Seeking a long-term partner to establish forest garden. Keen to find that person and happy to just make some friends.
Rick Valley at Julie's Farm
Rick Valley wrote:I think that permaculture as I understand it. has a very strong ethic urging us to increase biodiversity. I take this to mean animals, plants, fungi, you get the picture. Many of the things I introduce are as near to native as I can get. And I have priorities which emphasize pollinator support. Any of y'all have other rules of thumb? Standard practices?
The things you regret on your deathbed are not the failures, but those things you wanted to do but didn't dare to manifest.
Rick Valley at Julie's Farm
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Rick Valley at Julie's Farm
Most of the people that I know who take the permaculture approach - even those who consider themselves "farmers" rather than "permacuturalists" - pay much more attention to nutritional value and genetic diversity than Big Ag does. I've seen numerous articles in a variety of places about how much many of our fruits and veg have been "dumbed down" nutritionally since the 1950's at least, and how much is poor soil vs breeding for "sweet" (even carrots are sweeter than they used to be it seems) I'm not sure.Rick Valley wrote: It spreads and dilutes the genes of the native Malus fusca, which has a superior dried fruit, rich in Vit. C, keeping you healthy in the winter? (yes, it is raisin sized, but sometimes quality ranks over quantity
Visit Redhawk's soil series:
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