About seven years ago my productivity hit a low spot. A woman I know sent me an email. She had been studying shamanic stuff and said she and her instructor shared a "vision" about me. Skipping past the obvious question of "what the hell does 'vision' mean", here is what was seen in this vision. They found my body (this does not mean that the body is dead or alive, it is just me) and opened it up. Apparently this is a big part of what goes on in shamanic visions, you find somebody and you open them up to see what's inside. Inside of me was a swarm.
When she told me of this I asked "a swarm of
bees?" - "that was the same question I asked! The key is, we could not tell what it was a swarm of. So it could be
bees, but it could be anything. Since we don't have any more information, you have to figure it out yourself."
I'm not typically a follower of woo woo stuff, but I have to confess that this message was on my mind a lot. Eventually, I decided that the swarm was my todo list. My todo list had grown so large that it would take hundreds of people more than a decade to finish the things on the list.
So I shifted gears a bit. I changed the highest priority on my list to "reduce swarm". So rather than grind away on the big
project at the top - I focused on:
- do a lot of tiny things that can then be removed from the list
- finish things that needed just a little bit more to be finished
- and this is the most important:
convert variables to constants
My productivity went up by a factor of ten. And a year later it tripled from that.
This thing about "convert variables to constants" is the thing that I really want to clarify today. The thing is that sometimes you might try to do something and think "if I can get steve's help on this, the task will become ten times smaller." And steve says "yeah - I think I could do that - probably some time next week. I'll drop you a line when I have a moment." Steve's contribution is a variable. And if it has been a month, it is time to shit or get off the pot. Either steve does his part, or I take the long road. The alternative is to wait some more - and the waiting is the problem. The mission is now to get that item off of the list. One way or another.
Sometimes "working smarter" has to be replaced with brute force ("working harder"). But when a thing gets done, it is converted from a variable to a constant.
A "variable" is anything that is not done, or it could be a thing where a decision needs to be made. Variables can come in infinite flavors, but usually has to do with other people.
Does this make sense to anyone other than me? Anybody have other examples of "variables" that can be made into "constants"?