Don't build my
greenhouse. (photos below)
OK. Let me rephrase that. Build my
greenhouse. Its a good idea which I will explain...BUT...just do it a lot simpler. That is what I learned while building it.
Peppercorn, over at IPN, called it, correctly, seeing an early photo. He said "... like you, I have done the scavenged windows thing but wound up using more lumber, had more joints (leaks), not really a problem if used as walls but yours will be a roof, spent more time and had greater frustrations....if you will consider polycarbonate it comes in 8 and 12 foot lengths, from memory 26 or 30 inches wide, I cant remember for sure, available at homedepot."
Correctamundo. This took far more time to build than I had hoped and I fear its too I will be going back to work on it to reinforce everything. Potentially, some big storm or snow dump may smash it all and have me stripping off all the broken glass to be replaced with polycarb. We'll wait and see. I had really hoped to do the entire front of the house this year. This is as much time as I can invest this year as everything else I need to do is falling behind. I'll finish the last third next year. In retrospect, I would have passed on the tire wall as well. Too much time and
energy was spent...shovelling dirt. I'm looking pretty buff, though. LOL. Bringing it straight to the ground would have been, no nonsense, and given me more time to do the entire house.
Enough whining and warnings. Im still pretty impressed with it and I will explain why it is still a really good idea. We have a nothing special house. I joke with Mrs C5 that it reminds me of a Jehovah Witness hall. But its not bad considering we are
mortgage and debt free, plan to stay that way...and have a million dollar view. Lousy insolation and brutal winters, though. That's a good place to start. Climate Chaos. Last years RRR winter, that's, Ridiculously Resilient Ridge, meant we got hit with the Snowpocalypse out here in Nova Scotia. Could be worse. Western Canada's burning at the moment and California...enough said. This might be the last habitable place on earth. We have no shortage of
water here. Soooo....Yes, Its a monsoon proof greenhouse for early plant starts, frost protection and deluge saved food. Its also a heat generator once the temperature drops. Open the windows to let the heat in and save
firewood. Its also "Space Insolation". One wall (and the windows) is now protected against the blowing cold sucking heat away. Ideally, Ild build similar structures around the entire house if left to my own devices . Slipstream the house against ever increasing winds as the new weather goes wacky. A house within a house. Space insolation. There is a new concept fore you that I stole as a kid reading the book, The Last Canadian. To survive the winter, they knocked a wall out of their cabin and rolled a smaller cabin inside it. This has many applications. Do you plan to winter in an RV. Build a shed over it. Its like wearing a gortex shell over poly propylene. One sheds the weather. The other insolates.
The other advantage of this greenhouse concept...It
should be easy to build...inspite of my previous complaint of over building. I'm no carpenter. Im a Master MacGyver and Recycler. My most influential movie of all time was The Road Warrior. "You are a maggot, Max. Living off the corps of the old world". That's me. Other than the 13 rough cut 2x6s, fasteners and silicon, everything else was recycled. I do the impossible with nothing....but I don't have a clue how to do anything "Right". So this is a simple enough concept. Make a lean to off your house. Cover it with something see through. No complex carpentry required. All the necessary structure was already built into the house by people that knew more of what they were doing than I. Im leaning on their expertise. LOL
OK. Enough talk . Hears the photos.