My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Garden Master Program video course and ebook guide
Build Your Own Earth Oven is fully illustrated with step-by-step directions, including how to tend the fire, and how to make perfect sourdough hearth loaves in the artisan tradition. The average do-it-yourselfer with a few tools and a scrap pile can build an oven for free, or close to it. Otherwise, $30 should cover all your materials--less than the price of a fancy "baking stone." Good building soil is often right in your back yard, under your feet. Build the simplest oven in a day With a bit more time and imagination, you can make a permanent foundation and a fire-breathing dragon-oven or any other shape you can dream up.
“…inspired creativity combined with traditional wisdom– Get a copy and build yourself an earth bread oven. It’s that simple.” –
“…enjoyable, down-to-earth and sensible… his instructions are clear as rainwater, his advice–intelligent and sound.” – Petit Propos Culinaires
Explore the Permies Digital Market - ebooks, movies, building plans, courses, and more. Oh my!
While a project is live you can adjust your pledge by visiting the project page and clicking the “Manage your pledge" button. On the following page, select "Change your pledge".
From here, you’ll be able to adjust your pledge amount or switch to a different reward tier (changing reward tier will automatically update your pledge amount).
Explore the Permies Digital Market - ebooks, movies, building plans, courses, and more. Oh my!
Garden Master Program video course and ebook guide
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Perfect The Dwelling Land
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Garden Master Program video course and ebook guide
Monica Truong wrote:We are well on our way to the stretch goal with 868 backers
with a total of $26,272 pledged!!
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Perfect The Dwelling Land
I pledged a dollar to get the project going and want to increase the amount ( tempting goodies!) . How can I increase my initial pledge?
Garden Master Program video course and ebook guide
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Natural Small Batch Cheesemaking A Year in an Off-Grid Kitchen Backyard Dairy Goats My website @NourishingPermaculture
Garden Master Program video course and ebook guide
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Andrés Bernal wrote:Did a little experiment on my normal browser and using a vpn went to kickstarters homepage and the movie is at the front!!!
Anyone else seeing this?
Perfect The Dwelling Land
Samantha Lewis wrote:
This is a fun project I want to see more of!
Working on the sauna garden. Here is the fire circle and the start of the outdoor shower.
The best gardening course: FAQ
Samantha Lewis wrote:Yes!!
It is at the top of the films list of "Projects We Love!"
So great! Congratulations!
Garden Master Program video course and ebook guide
Garden Master Program video course and ebook guide
The two armies met. But instead of battle, they decided to eat some pie and contemplate this tiny ad:
permaculture bootcamp - learn permaculture through a little hard work