BRK #174
Happy Proenneke Day to you...!
I couldn't help but be excited about today from the moment I woke up. It most definitely lived up to expectations, and even the pancakes I'd made for dinner weren't half bad.
At the start of the day,
Boot Jeff and I wrapped-up the Solarium windows
project, while the rest of the boots were busy bucking and then hauling the rest of this week's felled trees up to the Library for processing.
Doug - our blue pickup truck - was loaded for bear when they pulled up outside.
We filled-up the wood racks at the front of the Library just in time for lunch break. Then it was off to celebrate Proenneke Day. I joined the rest of the boots at the Classroom after prepping some pancake stuff up at the house. Here's a host of photos of
SEPPer Julia, Boot Jeff, and
Grey as they worked on their various projects.
Thanks to
Mike Haasl for his fantastic shaving horse, pictured here.
For some reason, I was fixated on fabricating a foot-stool today, and I think I succeeded. The first step was to fashion some suitable legs for the stool. I made six of them, just to be on the safe side, and hey: there's enough to make a matching pair.
There's a hand-cranked tenon maker - basically, a gigantic pencil sharpener - used to quickly and neatly whittle down the sticks to the proper diameter for insertion into the seat.
Here are my completed stool legs:
Grey had a spare plank of wood lying about, so I decided to use that as the seat(s) for the stool(s). Here I am in the process of cutting it in half.
Once I had the seats, I used a hand auger to drill holes for the legs.
...I'm glad I made a few extra legs! Hammering them into the bottom of the stool seat resulted in one of the more fragile legs breaking off in the seat. Better I find out about that
now, eh?
Anyhow, I drilled the broken bit out with the auger, then added a different leg in there. the end result is a indisputably ugly foot-stool. But it's
my ugly foot-stool, my first one ever, and now that I finished one (in less than an hour, at that), I experienced a much-appreciated confidence
boost, and now have a place to rest my arse or my feet whenever I please.
We wrapped up the evening with the pancakes I'd made for everyone, the sausages and bacon cooked-up by Boot Jeff. and then a screening of
The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn. If you're a Sidney Portier completionist, you won't be disappointed.
That's all for now. Hope you go out and use your hands to put something together this weekend.