Progress not perfection. Consist progress compounded over time will lead to perfection.
"Where will you drive your own picket stake? Where will you choose to make your stand? Give me a threshold, a specific point at which you will finally stop running, at which you will finally fight back." (Derrick Jensen)
Progress not perfection. Consist progress compounded over time will lead to perfection.
Devin Lavign wrote:Gabions seem like an expensive way to do things.
Be the change.
Permaculturist in Battambang (Cambodia) & Victoria (Australia).
Permaculturist in Battambang (Cambodia) & Victoria (Australia).
"A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself." FDR
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Einstein
Alan Loy wrote:This requires significant earth moving for both the swales and dams so may be out of the question.
Permaculturist in Battambang (Cambodia) & Victoria (Australia).
"A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself." FDR
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Einstein
Permaculturist in Battambang (Cambodia) & Victoria (Australia).
Bernhard Haussler wrote:I go with your idea of Gabion posts. Very important to their long term stability is that steel rod in the centre - I would go with 32mm [1 1/4"] 1.8 - 2.4 long. For a 2' diameter cage you need a little more than 6' of cattle grid. Rock is OK but make sure you get a good amount of pebble into the voids otherwise the rock itself will cause tilting as it settles.
Miles Flansburg wrote:Danette I went ahead and embedded that video here. Hope that is OK?
What a beautiful stream by the way, any fish in there?
Alan Loy wrote:Just a thought, from your video it seemed that the undercutting was on the outside of a bend. If so I would think this will continue even with no debris in the creek.
Perhaps you could use modern gabions on the undercut to protect that side and keep the old gabion.
Travis Johnson wrote:Danette, what a beautiful stream and a nice piece of property! I live on top of a hill so all the water in two watersheds starts on my farm and leaves real streams. And while I know the secret to life is being content with what a person has...oh my, can I ever say I am coveting your stream.
I wish I was there to help you with it; my chainsaw works! (I do a lot of logging here). We could clean up that other side in no time, build a bridge, get some micro-hydro power in there...oh the possibilities are endless.
I wish you the best of luck with your place. Beautiful!
"Your thoughts are seeds, and the harvest you reap will depend on the seeds you plant." - Rhonda Byrne
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