Corey Schmidt wrote:One of the things i learned in my over 1.5 years in India was how to wash my butt with water. its fun and easy, its much cleaner than TP and results in greater comfort throughout the day, more environment friendly, etc.
just take a cup of water in your right hand, and pour it down your crack and with your left hand wipe it all clean as you continue to pour. Here in Alaska, we like to use warm water for this, especially in the winter. you can then dry with a dedicated rag or just a couple of pieces of precious tp. and always wash hands with soap after. i find that about 1/2 pint of water is a sufficient amount to acheive squeaky cleanliness. Enjoy!
Josephine, Forest Witch
Simple ways Simply work
Nothing difficult is ever easy!
Corey Schmidt wrote:what is the 3 seashells method?
I'm paraphrasing, Dan said: "I won't tell you the actual secret, but I'll tell you where it came from. There's a scene where Stallone has to use a restroom. I'm trying to come up with futuristic things you'd find in there. I was having trouble, so I called my buddy, another screenwriter across town, asked him if he had any ideas. Ironically enough that guy was taking a dump when he answered the phone, looked around his bathroom and said 'I have a bag of seashells on my toilet as a decoration?' I said 'Ok, I'll make something out of that.'"
We Can Always Find a Way to be Nice to One Another
Jd Gonzalez wrote:By Jove I got it !
A pump sprayer. Fill it with water or an astringent herbal "tea", hose your nether regions and dab dry with a cleansing cotton "buttkerchief" that is washable.
A hand-built home adventure:
"If we plan for a year, we plant rice. If we plant for ten years, we plant trees. If we plan for a hundred years, we prepare people" - Old Chinese saying.
Josephine, Forest Witch
Josephine Howland wrote:The one I got from Squatty Potty was only $25. Yes it reduces the amount of TP you use. Thing with making TP isn't just saving trees, there is a huge amount of water that is used to make paper, and the water pollution is awful. I live in New Hampshire and when those paper mills were running the river was brown and the smell was like spoiled eggs. A lot of the people living up there are still suffering from lung illnesses from it.
Rose Pinder wrote:
Jd Gonzalez wrote:
Where they sayIn the article, Warman notes, "Although we share most of our DNA with great apes, there are some striking anatomical differences between ourselves and our nearest relatives, most notably our vertical posture. This enables us to walk tall with our hands free, but it also comes at a price: we experience problems with our back and joints, and the whole business of evacuating our waste is more difficult. The fundamental problem is that the area used for releasing urine and faeces is compressed between thighs and buttocks, so we are more likely than other animals to foul ourselves. We also differ from other animals in our response to our waste, which we tend to regard with disgust. This seems to have developed as a result of living together in settlements rather than roaming through the forest, where we could leave our mess behind us. Unlike other primates we can learn when and where it is acceptable to excrete."
This might fit into the TMI territory (is that possible on this thread?), but the rewilding crowd's theory is that hunter gatherer humans diet meant that the poo came out in a neater, cleaner, more contained package than we are used to now (and more like what other animals have). I also think there is a difference between squatting and sitting on the toilet in terms of how easy it is to have a clean poo.
The holy trinity of wholesomeness: Fred Rogers - be kind to others; Steve Irwin - be kind to animals; Bob Ross - be kind to yourself
Paul Andrews wrote:Why are we the only animals that need toilet paper?
Mark Brunnr wrote:I've used the squatty potty for a while and it's great. Snugs up against the toilet when not in use, and props your legs up a bit to get that proper squat angle for your hips, you'll literally feel the difference when you use it.
I expect lots of people have issues with the consistency of their stool which is another big issue with cleanliness. When I'm eating healthy foods with plenty of fiber and bulk there's no "collateral damage" to wipe away afterwards, compared to eating tons of junk food (like a party size bag of M&Ms washed down with a 2L bottle on soda) and my body telling me how disappointed it is with my choices. It can take a while to rebuild your gut flora with healthy eating, but if you are consistent then things will start to click at the other end.
Timothy Ettridge wrote:
Why not just send it with the pee?
The pee is sterile and good nitrogen fertilizer straight from your body. Butt wiping water, on the other hand, needs to be decomposed for a full year to be safe to simply apply to one's land (as pee is right away).