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My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
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What is a Mother Tree ?
Burra Maluca wrote:
I think a lot of biodynamic stuff works, but probably not for the reasons it's practitioners think it does. I think it would be a very productive area to attempt to figure out which aspects work, and why, and embrace those aspects as part of the 'permaculture toolkit'.
Idle dreamer
Let us briefly examine an example of the strong form of the thesis that metaphysics is impossible. The logical positivists maintained that the meaning of a (non-analytic) statement consisted entirely in the predictions it made about possible experience. They maintained, further, that metaphysical statements (which were obviously not put forward as analytic truths) made no predictions about experience. Therefore, they concluded, metaphysical statements are meaningless—or, better, the ‘statements’ we classify as metaphysical are not really statements at all: they are things that look like statements but aren't, rather as mannequins are things that look like human beings but aren't.
I think a lot of biodynamic stuff works, but probably not for the reasons it's practitioners think it does. I think it would be a very productive area to attempt to figure out which aspects work, and why, and embrace those aspects as part of the 'permaculture toolkit'. I suspect a lot of the reason it works is because you get to spend a lot of time communing with nature and planning out when you are going to do stuff, so you bond with the land, observe what's going on a lot more, and when you follow a plan you actually get round to doing it rather than putting it off.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
All of the biodynamic folks I have met have been very accepting of permaculture techniques and of permaculturalists.
The only hostility I have seen has been permaculture folk being hostile to biodynamic folks that think biodynamic is too woo woo: "HEY! What you're doing is STUPID!" and I have seen permaculture folk being hostile to other permaculture folk: "Hey! You didn't sing the permaculture song MY WAY so you can't call what you do permaculture!" I don't like this kind of hostility at all.
I like the idea of having a farm right next door to a biodynamic farm and seeing the practices that go on next door and how it works for them. I would like to be next door to Brian Kerkvliet or Jacqueline Freeman. I'm sure I will learn a great deal.
I like the idea that there is a spiritual element to what they do. It could turn out to be that they are right.
As for the tone of science on this site. For every moment I see of what I think of as "good science", I have seen two where science was used as an inappropriate weapon. And I have probably only deleted about half of it.
Frankly, maybe the site could use a healthy dose of woo woo to help set a better pace and I should ban more of the science-as-weapon folks.
paul wheaton wrote:
As for the tone of science on this site. For every moment I see of what I think of as "good science", I have seen two where science was used as an inappropriate weapon. And I have probably only deleted about half of it.
Frankly, maybe the site could use a healthy dose of woo woo to help set a better pace and I should ban more of the science-as-weapon folks.
gary gregory wrote:
Then why did you even bother to ask?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
but I think that you are viewing it wrong.
Science is a tool, just like math is a tool
If Bob the poster makes an empirically testable claim part of his identity, say that chickens will die with out soy in their diet, and Alan the poster comes along with an anecdote that shows that chickens can survive with out soy (and this is the sort of question that can be answered pretty conclusively with an anecdote) or Steve the poster brings a science study of chickens on various diets either way Bob is going to feel like he has been attacked. It's not what Steve or Alan have done, it's the fact that Bob invested too heavily in something he shouldn't have.
.If you reject science, you hand over the public perception of the truth not to the people who are yielding to reality, but to the people who make open honest discussion most difficult. A good conversation should be about finding what is right, not who is right, if everyone has an open mind then no one gets in trouble for bringing evidence to bare on the situation
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
John Polk wrote:
My limited interactions with biodynamics advocates, however has not been very pleasant. They seemed to come as the missionaries did...not to improve, but to convert. It might be interesting to see how it pans out, but I would hate to see it evolve into a situation where it became "us" vs "them". I have seen forums turn ugly when somebody mentioned spraying his trees to save them and the organic growers turned on him as if he was the devil.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Emerson White wrote:
I am not saying that it's wrong for your site, I'm saying that it doesn't fit with the broader reality.
Science is not adversarial, thought the practice of it does involve some harsh scrutiny. I am not advocating for adversarial relationships, when you let go of positions and do not make them personal then someone pointing to a flaw in your position is not an act of an adversarial nature, it's an act of working together, which is why I'm here, to work together to explore the topic of sustainable agriculture. I bring a lot of information not just about what science has found, but also about the way that science is done, the way that we should do science, and the ways that we fool ourselves. This information is valuable, and according to my email and PM box it is valued, though the public reception in the open feels kinda like that scene from Blazing saddles at times.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
Idle dreamer
Brice Moss wrote:
Because of this it is the business of researchers to propose an idea then try like hell to prove themselves wrong.
Idle dreamer
H Ludi Tyler wrote:
Scientists are humans and so this ideal is sometimes not achieved by individual scientists, and sometimes perhaps not even by the scientific community! I'm sure a lot of folks have their pet theories, which is why it is possible to find "scientific documentation" supporting opposite conclusions. From my own personal point of view, science seems to provide explanations for a lot of things which aren't well explained by other methods. Doesn't mean the scientific explanation is "the truth." If there is "truth" it may not even be understandable by the human brain - I tend to think the universe and whatever if anything is outside or beyond the universe is probably too big for our mortal minds to entirely grasp.
H Ludi Tyler wrote:
Doesn't mean the scientific explanation is "the truth." If there is "truth" it may not even be understandable by the human brain
Idle dreamer
an example of what I'm talking about. Biodynamics has a 'recipe' for a soil amendment where you take manure, pack it into a bulls horn, liberally soak it with urine, then bury it on the full moon and then dig it up on the next full moon. (i'm simplifying the recipe for sake of brevity). On surface this looks like alchemical goofiness with a liberal helping of hocus pocus.
But, being me, I started examining and looking for the nugget of truth in it that would lead to the results they were claiming about increased soil fertility and biological activity. First I thought it was just the fact that they were amending manure into the soil and had created a rube goldbergian process to just make that more difficult. But then I started really looking at what each part would bring to the mix if translated to our cultural context.
manure packed into a horn = organic matter packed into an unsealed water-proof container
buried on a full moon, dug up on the next full moon = for a culture without a calendar, using the moons as a marker of time would make complete sense. this would translate to just bury for 4 weeks
soak it in urine = adding a nitrogen rich nutrient that is also an antiseptic, which would kill/reduce any potentially bad biological activity already present in the manure, cow horn, or in the handling and creating a clean canvas for introduced bacteria, microbes, and fungi
Burying it = once sterilized by the urine, you'd need to 'cure' it in biologically active soil to re-introduce the bacteria and fungi that are healthy for soil.
since you have a container packed with rich organic matter and soaked with a nutrient rich solution, you basically create a biological hyper accelerator that allows the soil microbes to flourish and go nuts in a semi-protected environment for 4 weeks. So it's not really hocus pocus, it's science...just no one's bothered to update the language.
Once I started realizing that and doing some basic translations, I started looking at the traditional storehouses of information in both the pacific northwest cultures as well as my own celtic heritage. There is a vast treasure trove out there, just waiting to be translated and it's information put back into use. That whole 3 million year history of pre-agricultural trial and error exists in legends, lore, and festivals/ceremonies. We just need to decypher them
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Idle dreamer
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms -
Idle dreamer
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:
I'm going to quote someone who used to be more active on these forums who wrote to me something I thought was brilliant about biodynamic methods and folklore versus science:
H Ludi Tyler wrote:
I just want to clarify that I personally don't know or believe there are special energetic properties to moon phases which would affect the growth of bacteria and fungi. Just that it seems evident some people believe there are special properties. In my opinion it needs to be studied more before we can claim "this is science." Just because it looks somewhat plausibly sciencey doesn't mean it's actually based on science.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
gary gregory wrote:
What I can say as ABSOLUTE TRUTH is that I will spend part of the day in our garden sitting on my comfortable garden bench with Van Morrison turned up as loud as possible.
Idle dreamer
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Since my goal is to nurture this forward velocity, it seems to be wise to remove the roadblocks.
gary gregory wrote:
Let me try to re-phrase that in how I think I understand it.
So even though folks try to follow your guidelines and enjoy participating in the forums you will still ban them on a hunch that they are not moving your personal agenda forward fast enough?
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
gary gregory wrote:
Let me try to re-phrase that in how I think I understand it.
So even though folks try to follow your guidelines and enjoy participating in the forums you will still ban them on a hunch that they are not moving your personal agenda forward fast enough?
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
Burra Maluca wrote:
I think Paul is saying that he doesn't really want people who post stuff that smothers potential new pieces of the puzzle. But he does want anyone with any interesting pieces to put them where they can be seen and tried out by everyone else.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
There is nothing permanent in a culture dependent on such temporaries as civilization.
It's been weird how there are so many people that seem to groove on my arrogance and obnoxiousness.
gary gregory wrote:
wow! Yes, I agree. And what a huge responsibility it becomes to keep them happy and still wield your sword of banishment in a way that does not eliminate the ones whose hunches could complete the virtual paradise you seek.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
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