Bloom where you are planted.
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
Sustainable Plantations and Agroforestry in Costa Rica
Check out Redhawk's soil series:
Lincolnshire Wolds. England. Anaerobic clay, on a SSW facing slope.
Lincolnshire Wolds. England. Anaerobic clay, on a SSW facing slope.
Lincolnshire Wolds. England. Anaerobic clay, on a SSW facing slope.
Mountains and Waters Alliance
Bloom where you are planted.
Bloom where you are planted.
mary yett wrote:
Her NOT permaculture things - Carol's growing methods are organic, but she still grows mainly annuals using monoculture on a small farm scale. She tills the soil, uses only light spot mulch, doesn't use silvopasture or silvoculture, doesn't mix perrenials and annuals together, etc. She doesn't have any earthworks to capture seasonal winter rainwater in the soil and does irrigate a bit when she can in the dry summer. In all fairness, she is limited by the fact that she is renting her main crop field, but I'm not sure she even dreams of earthworks, as she never mentions them.
Her Permaculture-like things-
She is a master vegetable variety breeder and seed saver, always improving her stock to better meet her local conditions. She strongly believes that everyone can and should breed their own veggie varieties to get better food and more independence. She generously spreads this knowledge in a upbeat, interesting way, making potentially dry subjects like genetics and chemistry seem like a good story. She sells her high quality, specially bred seeds at reasonable prices. Her food preservation methods are well researched and presented and she encourages everyone to grow their own food, which she does for herself.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
mary yett wrote:Once a 100 x 100 food forest matures, it produces significantly more annual calories than a 100 x 100 annual bed
Think of how dumb the average person is. Mathematically, half of them are EVEN DUMBER. Smart tiny ad:
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