"....put Squirrels before Wine". This can have many meanings, including not wasting the nectar of pure wisdom prematurely on those not yet ready to receive it. Alternatively it could mean not letting squirrels have access to your Pinot stash which would entice them into more damaging antics than they've already wreaked on your attic. But could metaphorically mean as well not releasing all RMH DVDs in one shipment which would certainly overwhelm the uninitiated, rendering them quite 'intoxicated' on the contents following a weekend binge viewing. Just as well it could imply that a squirrely disposition needs to settle and mature like a fine wine before the nuances of Permaculture are truly and deeply appreciated.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”― Albert Einstein
Keep in mind that, in one of the many gif-movie internet spoofs of Lord of The Rings, when Boromir utters the famous line "one does not simply walk into Mordor", Frodo replies with the obvious and reasonable:
"Yes you do! You TOTALLY do!"
Devoured by giant spiders without benefit of legal counsel isn't called "justice" where I come from!
-Amazon Women On The Moon
One does not simply:
Become an environmentalist by changing light bulbs
What if I told you:
Changing light bulbs doesn't make you an environmentalist
A RMH can heat a Montana house with 1/10th the wood Huglekultur gardens don't need irrigation
Gert is a millionaire
I've been thinking about this, and I've come to the conclusion that this is a goldmine. This could be expanded to so many memes, and these could really be a good first impression or segue for people not familiar with permaculture or Permies. I'm thinking a thread called "Pemes (Paul Memes)". I don't want to steal Nicole's idea, so I think she should have the honor of starting it if she wants (also if Paul's ok with it). Here's another one: (Paul's in there, you just can't see him for the helmet)
Jordan Holland wrote:I've been thinking about this, and I've come to the conclusion that this is a goldmine. This could be expanded to so many memes, and these could really be a good first impression or segue for people not familiar with permaculture or Permies. I'm thinking a thread called "Pemes (Paul Memes)". I don't want to steal Nicole's idea, so I think she should have the honor of starting it if she wants (also if Paul's ok with it). Here's another one: (Paul's in there, you just can't see him for the helmet)
Oooh! I like that idea! We've got a thread of Paul memes here: https://permies.com/t/135423/favorite-Paul-quotes. I'm wondering if maybe I should rename that one Pemes (Paul memes)? Or do we want to just limit this to taking normal memes and injecting Paul into them?
As my husband says, I "don't speak meme." I try, but I really struggle (probably has something to do with the fact that I literally cannot mentally visualize things. Here's a youtube video on aphantasia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arc1fdoMi2Y)
AAANYWAY, after all that ado about me not memeing well, here's a "one does not simply build a greenhouse" meme
Jordan Holland wrote:I've been thinking about this, and I've come to the conclusion that this is a goldmine. This could be expanded to so many memes, and these could really be a good first impression or segue for people not familiar with permaculture or Permies. I'm thinking a thread called "Pemes (Paul Memes)". I don't want to steal Nicole's idea, so I think she should have the honor of starting it if she wants (also if Paul's ok with it). Here's another one: (Paul's in there, you just can't see him for the helmet)
Oooh! I like that idea! We've got a thread of Paul memes here: https://permies.com/t/135423/favorite-Paul-quotes. I'm wondering if maybe I should rename that one Pemes (Paul memes)? Or do we want to just limit this to taking normal memes and injecting Paul into them?
As my husband says, I "don't speak meme." I try, but I really struggle (probably has something to do with the fact that I literally cannot mentally visualize things. Here's a youtube video on aphantasia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arc1fdoMi2Y)
AAANYWAY, after all that ado about me not memeing well, here's a "one does not simply build a greenhouse" meme
Oh, I've seen the Paul quotes thread, and I like them. I think they are well-done in a more serious way, with a small dose of silliness to keep them from being too dry. What I was thinking was just like your meme; take existing canonized memes that many people know and like, and put a funny Paul twist to them. I forget that memes don't have to be funny. I think it would be a good idea it keep the Paul quotes thread as is, because those memes are more like direct quotes. Especially since it has been in place for a while and people are used to it (like if someone was searching for a particular quote they remember reading a while back). If you can change the name of an existing thread, it might make sense to change this one to make it more inclusive of other memes and simplify things in the long run. Having the two threads can cater to people of different mind types, like you have pointed out. You certainly could have fooled me about "not speaking meme!"
“It’s said war—war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road—has reached its end.”
One does not simply...
...Have breakfast with Spider-Man
Nails are sold by the pound, that makes sense.
Soluna Garden Farm -- Flower CSA -- plants, and cut flowers at our Boston Public Market location, Boston, Massachusetts.
Mike Haasl wrote:It would likely be hard to get the right expression on Paul, but I love the "Not sure if..." meme from Futurama
Definitely a shortage of expressions out there. Maybe he could do some stock poses, but then I think part of the humor is the fact that we just take random pics and cobble them together without being too serious about it. Since the memes are archetypes, people already know the meaning, and the fact that his face is on it gives it a twist and makes it permaculture related. Nicole is taking greater pains than I am, but then have you ever tried putting a human head on a puffin or muppet? There's only so much you can do, and sometimes trying too hard is just silly...
“It’s said war—war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road—has reached its end.”
Mike Haasl wrote:It would likely be hard to get the right expression on Paul, but I love the "Not sure if..." meme from Futurama
Definitely a shortage of expressions out there. Maybe he could do some stock poses, but then I think part of the humor is the fact that we just take random pics and cobble them together without being too serious about it. Since the memes are archetypes, people already know the meaning, and the fact that his face is on it gives it a twist and makes it permaculture related. Nicole is taking greater pains than I am, but then have you ever tried putting a human head on a puffin or muppet? There's only so much you can do, and sometimes trying too hard is just silly...
I tend to visit Paul's bio page for pictures. It's loaded with pictures of Paul, and there's often one there that works. It IS hard finding a good one (the first one I did for "the most interesting man" meme) was pretty awful! But, like John said, part of the hilarity of them meme is the bad/obvious photoshopping.
I agree that often it doesn't matter. At least in the case of the Futurama meme I think the confused squint is important to the message. Or maybe not...
Mike Haasl wrote:I agree that often it doesn't matter. At least in the case of the Futurama meme I think the confused squint is important to the message. Or maybe not...
According to my husband, the thing to do is watch youtube videos of the person--in this case, Paul--and get screenshots of Paul making that expression. If you spot Paul in a video squinting, screenshot it and I'll photoshop it on!
If anyone sees Paul facepalming in a video, I'd love that, too! No idea how to photshop his head onto Picard without that.
For my next trick, I'm going to see if I can stick Paul's head on Picard
Are there any Firefly memes, other than the one with gun?
Paul also likes Invader Zim and The Tick. I wonder if there's memes for those? (I'm rather surprised by WHAT there are memes for!)
I had an idea for the Annoyed Picard meme, "The reason you have so many weeds is because nature abhors a vacuum!" For the facepalm, you may have to just paste Picard's hand and arm over Paul's face. The crappier the funnier!
“It’s said war—war never changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road—has reached its end.”
Awesome! I don't know if it needs something at the top? Or is that the standard format for that meme? If required, it could say "Buried woodchips?" at the top