I built this 12' section of junkpole
fence uphill from the Fisher Price house, in between two rock jacks the
boots kindly set up. I used an assortment of junkpoles that had been cut and collected in earlier activities and were stacked in the area. I used screws for the attachments--toenail joints for the horizontal beams connecting to the rock jacks and single screws for the vertical supports between the rock jacks.
By the time I was done the
fence was backlit by the evening sun, which doesn't give the best impression about its chicken-proofness. However the gaps between the junkpoles and the rock jacks are much too small for a
chicken, and overall it's pretty tight. I couldn't squeeze another junkpole in anywhere.
I'm attaching a photo of the space without the fence, the initial grid of horizontal and vertical supports, the toenail joints with flattened facing surfaces for the lower horizontal beams' connection to the rockjack posts, the single screw connection of a vertical to the horizontal, and the finished fence.