The beds are made of new 8' 2X4's from Home Depot for $2.50 or so each. There are 8 1/2 used for each bed (if my math is right). 4 uncut lengths for the long parts top and bottom, 2 more cut in half for the sides (4 total 48" long), and then 2 1/2 more cut down into quarters (24" X 10 pieces). No waste of wood since I'm making multiple beds.
The tin roofing is about $18 per 8' section. 3 pieces per bed, 2 full 8' pieces for the long sides, and one cut in half for the 48" ends. (I actually cut off a few inches so they'll fit, but it's very little waste overall.
Meh, I question how long they'll last. I know the tin isn't strong enough to support the full weight of soil, it'll bow out for sure over time. I'm using pvc pipe with end caps glued on to support the bottom from bowing out (I'll snap a picture on the next one I build). I figured the pallets inside would take a tremendous amount of pressure off the sides for a long while??? Maybe?
If I had more $$$, I'd have done it different, but it is what it is. They are aesthetically, and ergonomically pleasing for now. Certainly not
permie friendly, but I'm not a permie, I'm much too logical for that! Bwahahaha :)
The cost for new building materials, all from Home Depot is about, but less than $100 per bed including the pvc, glue, and screws. The pallets were free, of
The compost to fill the beds (about 12" deep) is half Nutri-Mulch (from Turkey farms here in Utah), and half sifted wood chips (full of mycelium) from my deep litter
chicken coop. A cubic yard of the Nutri Mulch is about $50, and I'm using about 1/3 of a yard per bed mixed with my mulch. So add about another $20 per bed for the growing medium.
I dream of being more thrifty, and using more "sustainable/cheap" building materials when I move, but my state of mind now is that I'm going to
sell my house here, and I want it to look sharp for the purpose of selling. I live in the fastest growing
city in America right it's more of an investment than a make it work regardless of what it looks like kind of situation.
I'd love to just pile a crap load of dirt onto some wood and call it good. lol
I stand corrected, third fastest growing community in the US.