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Caleb's Bootcamp Experience (BRK)

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Hi all, my name's Caleb and I've been here at Wheaton Labs for a little over 3 months, even though it feels like it's only been about 3 weeks.   My time here has been somewhat of a flash of projects, people and totally gorgeous snowy mountain scenery.    

Long story short, I've been interested in elements of regenerative, sustainable, self-sufficient living for years now but only within the last couple years discovered permiculture.  It peaks my interest in a lot of ways and appears to me to be the obvious first step in turning ideas of a better tomorrow into reasonably achievable goals.  

So I hit a reasonable point in my life to trade time for experiences and skills that I'm pretty sure will have renewed value and appreciation in the near future.

Create a space in a place you never want to leave and you'll never pay to go on vacation again.  Do something you love and never work another day in your life.  - the ultimate goals  

[Thumbnail for IMG_20211212_154124.jpg]
That's always a welcome sight
That's always a welcome sight
The Abbey cats Momo, Bobo and Early glad to see the sun out too
The Abbey cats Momo, Bobo and Early glad to see the sun out too
My deer buddies
My deer buddies
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Location: Northern WI (zone 4)
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Welcome Caleb!  Looks like that junkpole fence isn't keeping out the deer just yet...
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Howdy Caleb! I hope you are having, and will continue to have, a great time at Wheaton Labs! I'll be retiring early and moving up there in March, staying in an existing Oehler cabin while I build out my own plot adjacent to Ant Village.

Unfortunately there was a section of fence around the Abbey that failed and was wide open a few months back, and I don't believe a gate has been made either. So maybe once I get my own junkpole fence built I can help with making a temp gate in the style of some of the original ants, who lashed together some nice looking fences and gates with thin flexible sticks that would be tall enough to discourage deer but not be too heavy to open/close. Perhaps a large car gate and next to that a pedestrian gate would be good?
Caleb Hattemar
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Thanks Mike! Howdy Mark -

Mike - Mark is right on the money about the junk-pole fence and gate.  A couple spots need mending but the deer are not shy about walking through the front door either and getting that mullein.  Fortunately, they're not doing anything right now but eating an aggressive weed and converting it into fertilizer.   Also, I found out the reason I keep hearing them on the roof at night is due to several bales of straw being right under the snow up there..hah  So they're eating well at the moment and who knows, maybe they'll be giving some of it back next fall/winter season..

Mark - Glad to hear about your early retirement, sounds like a good plan.  Great design idea for the gate and I'm sure your help will be appreciate as well as reciprocated in community fashion.  It's all scenery and harmony with nature until the quadrupeds get in during the growing season tho.  Gardening is hard enough without something eating one's micro-greens that were never meant stay micro.. just ask a cat I raised who loved nursery peppers.
Caleb Hattemar
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As many of you probably already know, part of my MOS, at present, is to stay at Allerton Abbey and keep track of how thermal things are going.  I got here when the temps really started to feel like winter and they already looked like it and have stayed that way since then.  I've gotten used to the chilly bite and can verify acclimatization is a thing for me and I'm pretty sure everybody who wants it.  Although I won't lie, I anticipate the 60's of spring to be tropical feeling and beyond glorious.  It seems to me a winter like this is for planning and building the potential spring-board of energy, just like the mycelium and all the hibernating critters tucked away under their snowy blankets.  Dreaming their plans for all the things they'll do when everything wakes up, down and sideways.  

I've been holding onto some of these pics until I got around to my BRK so they're not real recent but hopefully still of some entertainment value.

Oh and to give an object scale of how things are just bigger out here and not just the sky, everywhere else I wear a size xl glove.. I wear a medium sold here..lol        
[Thumbnail for Breakfast-Biscuits.jpg]
[Thumbnail for Elk.jpg]
[Thumbnail for Miss-Moose.jpg]
[Thumbnail for Little-dogo-probably-coyote.jpg]
[Thumbnail for Big-dog-or-something-else.jpg]
[Thumbnail for Friday-Feast.jpg]
[Thumbnail for Biggest-Dog-in-the-sky.png]
Caleb Hattemar
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Shout-out to Fred and a big thanks for being the mechanism and also to the reason a piano is here in the Abbey.  It has been a very long time since I've had my hands on the original majestic acoustic version and it's vibrating pockets of me my electric guitar can't quite get to.  Also, well done Cable-Nelson for making a fantastic instrument.  Anybody want to contribute a piano tuning kit so I can make this beauty sing like it was truly meant to, maybe even at 432hz?  Saturday = musical spoons +++++ day for me.  I'll get back to the tangible permiculture stuff on Monday.  ;)
I slept in, alpha Momo needs kitty beans right MEOW!
I slept in, alpha Momo needs kitty beans right MEOW!
Just getting some lipos reconditioned for a snowy woodland race quad run. A different type of lab tour for the more adrenaline junky type of permie.. no worries u, map of the earth, evasive action, in bound.
Just getting some lipos reconditioned for a snowy woodland race quad run. A different type of lab tour for the more adrenaline junky type of permie.. no worries u, map of the earth, evasive action, in bound.
who said toy hobbies aren't practical? Some D's in series on the NIMH function. D chargers are hard to find.
who said toy hobbies aren't practical? Some D's in series on the NIMH function. D chargers are hard to find.
I think it's a good looking stack of wood too :)
I think it's a good looking stack of wood too :)
Caleb Hattemar
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What can I say, it's a Sunday.  Blitz cleaning in the a.m and nest project for an extra couple hours.  Back to the Abbey with supplies and buddy boot Jeff.  Tomorrow we work on the solar stations and start to bring them back to optimal function.
Hangry kittens
Hangry kittens
Me n' G's round wood saw horses
Me n G's round wood saw horses
Finally found some heart wood.... At least its not another cat pic..heh
Finally found some heart wood.... At least its not another cat pic..heh
Caleb Hattemar
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Moonday.. Keeping it simple with the brk.
Fried potatoes, yellow bells, onions a couple eggs and biscuits. Solid breakfast
Fried potatoes, yellow bells, onions a couple eggs and biscuits. Solid breakfast
[Thumbnail for IMG_20220131_103126.jpg]
Pasta salad with some homemade Greek dressing.. Yum
Pasta salad with some homemade Greek dressing.. Yum
Caleb Hattemar
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What a day, now its time to post and hit the sack.
A snow man Will left here that just kept evolving every time it snowed. It got big hair the first snow and then it turned into a penguin. It's completely buried now tho.
A snow man Will left here that just kept evolving every time it snowed. It got big hair the first snow and then it turned into a penguin. It's completely buried now tho.
Most people have robins and starlings in their front yard but not these folks.
Most people have robins and starlings in their front yard but not these folks.
snow drift cabin.
snow drift cabin.
Caleb Hattemar
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Not a bad day but even with two coffees it's still 24 hours from cycle to cycle.
A scratch built breakfast biscuit. Best breakfast fuel ever!
A scratch built breakfast biscuit. Best breakfast fuel ever!
flea-lion lounge
flea-lion lounge
Axing wood in the Wintersun. Best way to do it.
Axing wood in the Wintersun. Best way to do it.
A tiny monkey bit me and I got tiny ads:
Free Seed Starting ebook!
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