Speaking of dead standing wood, I meant to ask if the only reason it was being used as
firewood was because there wasn't another dried alternative?
I was splitting that stuff in and then around the tipi, dust always and grubs and beatles often flying, the outer inch or more often already spongified... This isn't great firewood, and I'm burning soil here... Oh well. I've experienced that dead standing timber is basically dry wood, ready to burn save a tiny bit of the outside diameter near the bottom, even at the end of an 8 month 50" wet and cool season. Firewood you don't have to put up and cure before use, and can be retrieved needed...very convenient!
But seems like the lab really wants that soil, and that already spongified wood represents years of progress. I'd wanna get that stuff on or in the ground asap, as opposed to in a fire.
An alternative to putting cords under a roof is girdling live
trees that you know are going to be used as firewood within a year or 2. I have girdled an 8" abh diameter tree here, and it is completely dry after 1 summer. Except it often doesn't rain and cloudy days are rare here during the "growing season", and I'm not sure if that spot in Montana
land gets as much hot hot heat as the east side foothills of the central Oregon coast range...so it might need to be a smaller tree or 2 summers. esperiments!
Happy hugelin exclusively with already spongified wood