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Indoor Kudzu

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Kudzu is all around here in SC— I understand how invasive it is and the risks associated to the plant.

I’m planning on growing a kudzu plant indoors to experiment with it and to feed to my animals— any tips would be greatly appreciated if you’ve already worked with kudzu.

Would it be hilarious to grow a hydroponic kudzu or is that just me?

At first I’m thinking I’ll cut and dry it as i go. my intent is to create a zero risk atmosphere where it never has the opportunity to escape my controls.

If a kudzu vine touched soil will it send roots out?

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I would love to know how that turns out!  I've often wanted to play with Kudzu for food, fibre, and fodder.  But alas, it probably wouldn't grow here even if we could get any seed or cuttings.  

Following with interest.  Please let us know how your experiment goes.  
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Here's a thread about making cloth from Kudzu
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Kudzu…talk about love-hate! It is grossly invasive here in NC taking over everything like an alien…very ugly, very creepy looking. Covering trees, fields, roads, light posts. The worst is trying to control it w spraying toxic junk on it, which does just about nothing.
So yes! Goats are a big help but clearly there are not enough eating down the stuff.
And yes, it is supposedly very nutritious & can be harvested for many products…there was an extensive, fascinating post on this a while back.
If you grow it I’d say just be careful to not let it spread. Your neighbors won’t be too happy.
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I've lived in NC, SC, VA and GA.... so I KNOW kudzu!  I actually really like the plant.  CHanning Cope wrote about its use in feeding cattle, and had his advice been followed as opposed to how the government spread it for erosion control only, it would never have gotten so out of control.  I harvest the flowers and leaves as edibles and the root for herbal medicine.  THe only issue I would see about growing it in a container is the massive size of the root.  You will not believe how big the roots can get until you try to dig a mature one!
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Chris Vee wrote:I’m planning on growing a kudzu plant indoors to experiment with it and to feed to my animals— any tips would be greatly appreciated if you’ve already worked with kudzu. Would it be hilarious to grow a hydroponic kudzu or is that just me?

I love a good experiment! Go for it!

It definitely makes good livestock feed. My goats love it and a vet told me it has the same nutritional value as alfalfa.

At first I’m thinking I’ll cut and dry it as i go. my intent is to create a zero risk atmosphere where it never has the opportunity to escape my controls. If a kudzu vine touched soil will it send roots out?

Yes, it will do that. It's one of the ways it spreads. And the vines are indeterminate, so it spreads by growing up and across anything and everything. If goats have easy access and the vines are cut low, they will continually trim the new growth until they kill it.

Kudzu is a cultivated crop in Asia. I have a small wild patch that I've actually protected so I can harvest it as hay and feed. With a small area, it's easy to keep the vines trimmed back, even though it grows quickly. It just requires regular tending.

Here's another thread that might interest you, about using kudzu as human food > Lots of interesting ideas there.
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I've been trying to find some Japanese recipes that call for kudzu, but it doesn't help that I don't know any Japanese so I'm probably not finding recipies in the right places.

I suggest doing some research on this plant before growing indoors. As with a lot of invasive plants, it should be easy to propagate this plant from stem cuttings which should make indoor propagation relatively fast.
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Chris Vee wrote:Kudzu is all around here in SC— I understand how invasive it is and the risks associated to the plant.
I’m planning on growing a kudzu plant indoors to experiment with it and to feed to my animals— any tips would be greatly appreciated if you’ve already worked with kudzu.
Would it be hilarious to grow a hydroponic kudzu or is that just me?
At first I’m thinking I’ll cut and dry it as i go. my intent is to create a zero risk atmosphere where it never has the opportunity to escape my controls.
If a kudzu vine touched soil will it send roots out?

Growing it indoors has its advantages:  You can better keep an eye on it. I'm playing with the idea of hydroponics. A vine like kudzu that nothing can kill might be a great idea if you want to grow fish, but growing lettuce that I can eat and my animals could enjoy, that would be a win-win.
Since it is a vine, I would bet that as soon as it touches soil, it will attempt to root: That is actually how vines propagate, so... It would probably send some 'feelers' in water as well, spill over and root in any available soil. In WI zone 4b, that would not be a problem [I think] because the cold should kill it in the winter. It probably would not have a long enough season to flower either.
But since you are in SC, which is already invaded, you would have to be super cautious to not let it flower/ drop seeds in your system.
What made you think of Kudzu? Could you think of a more common veggie which would be more useful to you and your critters if any?
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I tried this with bindweed.

The theory was to grow up the sides of our indoor rabbit hutch.
I'm still not sure what killed it,( usually  nothing can) but I would definitely try it again.
I chose bindweed because it was on hand and I knew that low light was not going to deter it from growing.

How much sun does kudzu need?
Will you need a grow light?
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I read some articles and I want Kudzu. I have goats.  Apparently cows eat it and love it. Just read an article about it making great silage.  I didn't think it grew in Ohio, but apparently they have it in Michigan and Nebraska and southern Ohio. I am in north Central Ohio.  I didn't know the roots were edible.  I bet pigs would really love the roots.  So pasture pigs in or around the kudzu after the goats have had their way with it and it would probably kill the kudzu completely or knock it back so far it would take it a log time to recover.  I am going to see if I can find some growing near me in Ohio.  I may try planting it in containers or planting it in the middle of the pasture then letting my goats cows and horses go after it. I may make a pig tractor this year and then I could let the pigs take it out if the kudzu seemed to be getting out of control.  Farmer makes silage out of kudzu and has highest producing dairy herd in N.Carolina in the 60's or 70's he also baled it and gives limited instructions.  great info on hay yields, on use as feed for cattle, hogs, goats, and chickens.  but I loved their last little paragraph in the pdf below.

Some farmers have opinions that kudzu may become a pest,
may not be eradicated, and may spread into fields where it is
not wanted. Such ideas are unfounded. It may be easily eradi-
cated by grazing or by plowing. Kudzu has been confined to
the edges of fields at Auburn for a period of 35 years and has
never become a pest or spread to areas where it was not want-
ed. It may be confined indefinitely to terrace ridges in a field
simply by cultivating the field in row crops"
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Kudzu is listed in Chinese medicine as one of their top 50 sacred plants.  However, I think they had specific rules (and may still have those rules and practices today) in China that kept it under control.  I live in the PNWet, so my climate is very different. Many plants that are invasive in the SE, like autumn olive, are just fine here.  We have long, dry, hot summers that are very different from those in the SE and E USA, and long, wet, cool, drizzly winters.

I would love to grow kudzu, but I would start in a container.  If I were to grow it in the ground, I would take a hint from our equivalent: bamboo.  It is extremely invasive here, especially the tall kinds that grow in sun. If you grow bamboo here, you need to put in a barrier all around the plant.  There are commercial barriers that they sell exactly for this.  Bamboo nurseries, which exist here, will only sell you the bamboo if you explain exactly what your plan is to stop its invasiveness.  Some will plant it in an area surrounded by cement barriers. That's ok too.

I am excited to hear about these experiments.

John S
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I came upon kudzu in Guatemala and wondered what uses it might have. Since I'm interested in herbal medicine I did some research and found out that Kudzu root is a medicinal plant used to stop addiction to alcohol by curbing cravings. But you need to take it when anticipating an upcoming occasion to imbibe.

It seems it has lots of uses beyond that this website. I could sure use it to develop my permaculture projects.

I bet there are a lot of uses that could be researched on the internet if one was so inclined.
Leigh Tate
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Ryan M Miller wrote:I've been trying to find some Japanese recipes that call for kudzu, but it doesn't help that I don't know any Japanese so I'm probably not finding recipies in the right places.

Ryan, check out the thread mentioned above -
Lots of recipes and ideas there for non-Japanese speakers.
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I have a friend that uses it for treating his migraines.  It works well.
Chris Vee
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Judson Carroll wrote:THe only issue I would see about growing it in a container is the massive size of the root.  You will not believe how big the roots can get until you try to dig a mature one!

Yes! I'm interested in seeing how fast the root-mass grows. My plans for mitigating flowering out or over-growing my controls will be to chop it all up for medicinal use after 6-9 months possibly sooner after checking the root-mass size monthly) and start over for the next phase of the experiment.

-John S; I'm extremely hesitant to grow it outside until I've done sufficient research and experimenting of my own.. even in a container. Ideally I would container grow it and guide it completely in the rabbit colony so that as it grew down it would be eaten by the rabbits, but I figure I'm a year or two out from committing to such a concept. I will certainly have to do more research on the medicinal benefits of kudzu, thanks for the heads up!

-Cécile; from my understanding Kudzu does not flower until the second year, so I'm curious if this is strictly from seed or from cuttings too, but I will find out! If I were to see any signs of flowers starting to bud I will be immediately destroying the entire plant, roots and all. Also, I'd rather avoid having to pay for seeds, and waiting until the local kudzu goes to seed to start my experiment isn't my favorite option... I do have several LED grow lights I operate to start plants indoors pre-season, however, as soon as the heat starts out here in SC I will be cutting them off and only growing indoors at windows; from all of my reading-up on kudzu it really does not need too much light. The picture below is my start-up for Rosemary, Lavender, Comfrey and Marjoram so far... as well as a kumquat tree that will be going in my "in-ground" greenhouse once it is finished :)

The greenhouse pit is 6' deep so far and yes, I do have a sump pump for it I have not set-up yet... I also plan to put bananas, avocado and passionfruit inside (with other small stuff... I'm trying to grow zone 9 in my upstate SC plot... just one more of my experiments.

-Ryan M; I like to think of myself as quite capable in the kitchen and will also research recipes for kudzu, I'll let you know what I find!

-Leigh; thank you for the link, I had not found that one yet, the soup and tea will be the first two recipes I try!!

-Judson; Thank you for the insight on the root-growth, certainly makes me think twice about how long I'll let my first round of experimenting go, I plan to never have to dig out a mature kudzu root! lol

-Gauri; I was telling my plans to a neighbor the other day and mentioned my kudzu thoughts and got a very sideways look from him, if I were the cause of kudzu spreading on my block my neighbors would definitely vote me off the island

-r ranson; I will track and take pictures of all my findings, thank you for the support!

I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY!!! So incredibly grateful I found all of you. I had lost hope of finding a place I fit-in on the internet… *deep sigh* I have an e-home now :)
rabbit colony in progress
rabbit colony in progress
Future in-ground "tropical" greenhouse
Future in-ground "tropical" greenhouse
My indoor grow space where I will try my hand at kudzu
My indoor grow space where I will try my hand at kudzu
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I'm in Colorado and have wondered about container growing it over the winter.  It gets too cold here for it to survive the winters outdoors.
I have been considering it for compost and also for putting in a boigas digester.
Thats in addition to using it as rabbit food,  etc.
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The roots do get large, can weigh hundreds of pounds or more.   Big enough to require a backhoe to dig them.  That said, I’ve often grown stuff indoors knowing that when it gets too large  I toss it and start over with a small plant to keep it manageable.  In good soil it can grow 2 feet of vine per day.  Since it can grow as a forest understory, may not require full sunlight, but probably a grow light indoors or sun through a window part day.  

I’ve harvested lots of leaves from wild foraging to feed goats and rabbits as it is a superb feed for them.  Also made jelly from the blossoms and it had a nice, light, tropical, floral scent and taste.  Very good.  

You’ve certainly given a lot of us incentive to try indoor growing to contain it, although it grows quite well here in southwestern N.C.  Great idea!
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This vegan youtube channel Peaceful Cuisine by a Japanese cook has a number of recipes that include kudzu starch, most of which are sweet, but this one is for a teriyaki bowl. The subtitles are in English and recipes are in Japanese and English.
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Hi, we live in Mississippi and there's visible kudzu around in the landscape. As Bonnie Johnson pointed out in her post, it is only "invasive" in deep gullies (where it was intentionally planted to prevent further erosion) and where deer and other animals cannot easily access it.  I have tried many times to start kudzu from cuttings, and have never succeeded.  I would LOVE to purchase (or trade for something) a kudzu tuber from anyone willing and able to part with it!!!

The tuber itself is a food crop in its native country, Japan, where it is called Kuzu and is considered a health food; it is sold fresh and used as a root veggie, or dried and powdered and a sort of pudding is made of it.  Just FYI

Thanks for any help in starting a kudzu plantation! XD
Betsy Carraway
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It may be necessary to repeat this so I am going to: kudzu was massively planted all over the landscape here, in the I(I think) 1940's, to prevent erosion.  I ended up only persisting here and there.  It is slow growing!!  It will climb up and smother trees, if left long enough where the trees are, like down a deep ravine where nothing is going to bother it...but it will take years and years to do this.  Kudzu does not deserve the bad rap it has: it grows slowly, is easy to eradicate (just pull up the tubers) and is edible both by people and animals.  The problems with culture are because this is NOT a scary, big-overnight monster of a plant.  It is a modest and attractive little food plant from Japan.
Chris Vee
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Betsy Carraway wrote:It may be necessary to repeat this so I am going to: kudzu was massively planted all over the landscape here, in the I(I think) 1940's, to prevent erosion.  I ended up only persisting here and there.  It is slow growing!!  It will climb up and smother trees, if left long enough where the trees are, like down a deep ravine where nothing is going to bother it...but it will take years and years to do this.  Kudzu does not deserve the bad rap it has: it grows slowly, is easy to eradicate (just pull up the tubers) and is edible both by people and animals.  The problems with culture are because this is NOT a scary, big-overnight monster of a plant.  It is a modest and attractive little food plant from Japan.

FASCINATING!!! You're the first person I've heard (I don't talk to many people though) speak so highly of it, very encouraging. Ideally (longterm) I will figure out how to put it overhanging planters in my rabbit colony so that as it grows down, the rabbits eat it. I'm attempting to get my livestock feed as close to $0 as I can and I think Kudzu and Tree Lucern may be a big part of the final developed plan.
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I've long wanted to grow it for food and medicine, and now that I have goats, I'm ALWAYS looking for good quality, cheap (what's cheaper than free??) fodder to grow, myself. The difficulty I run into is getting my hands on it.
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I'm in Colorado, and have wanted to get ahold of Kudzu for a number of years. As I'm in a high altitude desert climate there are no worries about it getting out of control. lol If anyone has a source for kudzu, please let me know. (or if you live where it grows rampant and could send some )
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