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G Freden wrote:Yum! Mine is similar, though I like to add some spices: cinnamon, nutmeg and maybe the tiniest pinch of cloves. These I saute in a tablespoon of butter until they are fragrant, then I add the milk to them to heat up (warning: hot butter may spit!). The butter doesn't completely emulsify in the milk/cocoa, but I kind of like that buttery cap.
And I usually top up with a dash of cold cream before enjoying. Now I'm off to go make some
Jay Angler wrote:Alas, cow's milk does not agree with me! If I've got a hankering and have planned ahead, I add chocolate powder to coconut milk. Yes, I realize it's not a local product, but I generally drink herbal teas so if I'm really in need of something as energy intensive as hot chocolate for something like the cold snap we're expecting to arrive at any time, I'll forgive myself for importing both the chocolate and the coconut milk!
Mike Haasl wrote:Mine starts with a bunch of water heating in the tea kettle (yes, I know).
1 Cup raw milk 1 Tablespoon raw cacao powder 1 Tablespoon coconut sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Put a large splash (gently!) of the milk into the bottom of a saucepan set to medium. Add the dry ingredients and heat it up a bit while mixing it all together. When all is blended, add rest of milk but don't heat to simmering--just to steaming a bit. Serve and enjoy!
“Every human activity is an opportunity to bear fruit and is a continual invitation to exercise the human freedom to create abundance...” ― Andreas Widmer
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My projects on Skye: The tree field, Growing and landracing, perennial polycultures, "Don't dream it - be it! "
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