Deedee Dezso wrote:
Ela La Salle wrote:My son and I are "bugs people". We stay out late and watch moths (among other insects). The one that we ever saw landing on flowers were hummingbird moths. Huge moths on our white Datura plant. Just like the hummingbirds, we hear them before we see them. Spectacular site!
As "bug people " you should know that the "humming bird moths" are hornworms found most typically on your tomatoes and peppers. And that they overwinter in chrysalis underground.
So don't kill all those big green caterpillars on your tomatoes! Plant more tomatoes!!
We don't kill anything with the exception of house flies and mosquitoes (manually). We don't use any sprays (indoor or outdoor). Any caterpillar, crawler, critter, etc . is ignored, moved, or relocated in safe manner.
I grow lots of perennials, some vegetables and fruiting bushes, to
feed whatever thing wants to feed on. Our back
yard is connected to crown
land which we respect and anything that lives there