Blake Lenoir wrote: Bone broth? What I do with it?
Basic recipe for bone broth
Collect up bones from meals -
chicken carcasses, pork bones etc and freeze if you don't have enough
When you have enough, put them in a large pot/slow cooker with water to cover and any of the following:
3 dandelion leaves,
a few herb leaves like sage, oregano, marjorum, parsley or thyme - fresh or dried
onion skins
bits of celery
carrot tops
Let it simmer covered for 4-6 hours, then remove the cover so it starts to thicken for another 4 hours.
Strain it to remove all the bones.
Thicken more depending on what you plan to use it for.
1. Just drink it as a hot drink instead of
coffee - it's full of calcium and other bone strengthening ingredients and lots of micronutrients.
2. Mix some into the water you're cooking rice in - it will make the rice more nutritious and give it a nice flavor.
3. Use it as a base to make soup. If you're making a commercial canned or packaged soup, replace some or all of the water with bone broth.
It can be frozen - just freeze it in quantities you're likely to use. I freeze mine in a mix of 1 or 2 cup measures, but my friend also freezes some in ice cube trays then bags the cubes for when she's making Korean version cup-a-soup.