Benjamin Dinkel wrote:Thank you all for the input. I’ll make some test cakes when I’m back at home and share the results.
The settling test showed almost no sand, but doesn’t let me distinguish between silt and clay.
This is my area of expertise, so I'll weigh in here.
I agree with Luke, this looks like poor cob soil. Also Luke makes the crucial point about why you need clay. It is the glue that binds together the ingredients of any soil-based construction method. Without clay, there is no strength.
Let's get some specifications on what we are dealing with. Soil has 7 parts, here's how they work in soil based building materials:
Air - mostly squeezed out by compression, obviously adds no strength
Water - also not wanted in the final building structure, but needed to make a workable mixture, hydrating the clays to make them slippery
Organic matter - mostly undesirable, excepted added fibers like
straw improve tensile strength
Big rocks - gravel and larger rocks are bad for soil-based building materials
Sand - 2mm to 0.05mm - mostly made of quartz or other resistant minerals, adds compressive strength, zero tensile strength.
Silt - 0.05mm to 0.002mm - basically smaller particles of quartz, so fills in the spaces between sand particles, but behaves the same way mechanically
Clay - smaller than .002mm - here is the crucial ingredient...
Clay is vital, like concrete needs Portland cement, or mortar needs lime. It is not just a smaller size quartz grain, it has very different chemical and mechanical properties. Clay is made of tiny plates with ionic bonds dangling from their flat surfaces. Water is strongly attracted to these ionic charges, so well hydrated clay acts almost like a viscous liquid - the water lubricates the plates allowing them to slide past each other easily.
A small particle of quartz, on the other hand, has almost no chemical affinity for water, so a soil composed mostly of quartz particles - no matter the size - behaves very differently than a clay soil. Think of a sand castle at the beach. Wet sand holds together a little bit due to surface tension - the water is a weak temporary glue - but as soon as it dries out, it crumbles back to loose sand. The same happens for any size quartz grain. A pile of rocks has no strength, a pile gravel - no strength, a pile of sand - same. A pile of silt - almost the same, but it's actually hard to find pure silt, there's almost always some clay in every silt, even if its just individual clay particles sticking to the silt particles. Now you've got some glue action, and silty soils have texture and strength.
The real magic happens when clay dries out. The slippery plates of hydrated clay lock together when the water leaves. Some of those dangling ions bond with their neighbor on adjacent plates. The plates mostly line up parallel, like stacked plates, but overlapping in every direction. These ionic bonds are pretty strong, so drying clay converts from a thick slippery liquid to a rigid solid. Pottery is almost pure clay. Once the water content drops enough, its a weak solid. Take away all the water, its quite strong. This is reversible. Add water, unfired pottery becomes soft, add more it becomes a liquid. Firing pottery removes ALL the water and then melts the individual plates together. This is irreversible, water can't get back in between the plates.
So how do we make buildings out of soil? Clay is the glue - its binds ingredients together and provides almost all of the tensile strength - but just like concrete and lime-mortar, we need other ingredients. Portland cement by itself sets up to make a strong building material but it cracks as it sets because it shrinks. So we add sand and gravel to minimize the shrinkage to the distance between adjacent sand particles instead of the whole block. Same with soil building. Clay is the glue binding together the other ingredients. Unlike cement-concrete, there is much less chemical bonding between the glue and the matrix, so just like unfired pottery, soil buildings need comprehensive protection from water. And pure clay cracks as it dries because it shrinks a LOT.
So soil building needs clay, some other filler material to add compressive strength and minimize shrinkage, and some fibers are nice to increase the tensile and flexural strength.
The soil settling test in the jar looks to me like mostly sand. I can see individual grains almost to the top of the sample. If you can see it, its sand. Please confirm by examining a bit of soil in the palm of your hand. Add water, smush it around with your finger, sand grains
should be evident visually and by feel.
Silt is just the same material as the sand, just too small to see individual grains. Tested by tasting it. Dig into the top layers of your soil sample jar after pouring off the water and letting it dry out a bit. The very top layer will be clay (if there is enough to form a distinct layer). Clay feels slippery and smooth in your mouth. Dig deeper, find the silt, it feels gritty on your teeth. The silt grains are strong quartz particles, not slippery clay particles.
Ok, now wash out your mouth. Yes, geologists are disgusting and nasty. That's why we drink a lot of whiskey - gotta wash out that dirty mouth and kill the germs.
Now for the practical application.
If you've got a soil that's mostly sand, it will not be suitable for cob. At all. It will just fall apart as soon as it dries, like a sand castle. But its not hopeless, you just need to keep looking for clay rich soil to add to it. Dig deeper, dig in low spots near water, but not immediately adjacent (floods drop sand next to a stream channel, silt and clay farther out in the floodplain). Clay is created by weathering of certain kinds of rocks. If you find the right rocks, you'll find clay nearby.
Another tactic for sandy soil is to remove some of the sand. Put your soil in a barrel or
bucket, mix thoroughly with water, then put a hose down to the bottom with a slow trickle of water. At the right flow rate, sand will remain in the barrel, silt and clay will overflow. Catch the overflow, let it settle out. Hopefully this fractionation will leave you with silt and clay in a useable ratio, just add a little more of the sandy soil. You can try two-stage fractionation - sand in the first bucket, silt settling out of a second, much larger container, clay flowing out with the water. Clay will not settle out if there is any movement at all. Clay needs very still water and many days or weeks to settle.
I hope you can use this to make progress on finding a source for cob. Let us know the results of further testing.