Something similar has been discussed, but not the pinning thing. It's like sticky threads, most people on the internet are now trained to ignore sticky, pinned posts, all cap Subject lines... so the feature would need to be something new.
Given how limited developer time is, we are a long way away from it as more important stuff keeps jumping the queue.
So we look at each thread case by case.
Almost 41k views since 2016. Google likes something there.
Seems to be a wiki and lots of room for improvement. Fix the wiki migt be
enough to fix the thread.
I don't keep close eye on Empire and Lab stuff, but memory suggests there was a better thread. We could heap love on that and push this one down. Or merge them. Or... lots of options.
For Empire stuff, it depends on Paul's goals which path to choose. In this case, it's good to get him in the conversation before choosing a path.