I second everything Paul has said about Scubbly, and I can vouch for what Ian has said, and I want to add more Scubbly fan praise.
Not only is the affiliate thing super-easy at Scubbly - they automatically pay all my affiliate fees on time, at the same time as I get paid, so I can never make the mistake of spending money that I
should have paid my affiliates.
But also they automatically handle a lot of the other financial stuff that can be a hassle for someone running small or moonlighting businesses, or with low per-sales
profit (which is a lot of digital sales).
For example they have set the payments up on a slightly delayed schedule, so that a seller is not vulnerable to after-the-fact chargebacks (which is a real problem with digital content sales because PayPal doesn't want to spend any time verifying delivery, they just accept the chargeback, seller is SOL). Waiting for my money was a little off-putting when I first considered it, but now I love it. Not only do I never have to worry about unexpectedly needing to give some money back after I've gotten it, but I also have some advance information so I know approximately how much I'll be getting paid for the next couple months. I feel more secure as a seller, being able to see my paycheck coming down the pipes, and it also helps offset seasonal variations in our work/sales.
I wonder if this setup is part of why Scubbly attracts more eco- and permie- sellers than other sites: many of us do have seasonal interests. Many of us are used to budgeting for the fat times to cover the lean; or to balancing different seasonal income streams so it comes out sufficient year-round. Maybe we have a little more of a big-picture view, on preferring a high-integrity process to a get-rich-quick scheme?
Of course, the fact that Paul loves it, and Paul routinely makes waves in the
permaculture communications scene, doesn't hurt either.
I love getting one lump-sum payment each month, it makes for super-simple bookkeeping, and it also means I know when to expect my "paycheck."
I also had some bad experiences (not as many as Paul) with other digital-sales sites, for example one of them played "hide the login" with a tiny little "login" link in the corner of the screen, and their main page was a huge ad to sign up as a seller, free 30-day trial. Meaning that if you accidentally clicked anywhere except the login, it was really easy to sign up multiple times and get billed multiple times for multiple accounts. That's an ugly marketing practice, making your site inconvenient for existing clients in hopes of hooking some new ones (or just creating billing nightmares). But it also made it hard for people to sign up for the "free" affiliate program without accidentally being signed up as a seller, with a per-month fee that would start 30 days after you thought you had sorted everything out. No affiliates makes it harder to sell content, no matter how good the content may be.
On top of that, we had to manually process affiliate payments, the system for doing so was clunky and complicated, and if we were on the road or our email was down, affiliates were SOL. Scubbly, as mentioned, handles affiliate payments and other fees (their own, currency conversions, and coupons, etc) automatically.
Scubbly's main landing page is balanced and accurate. It doesn't look that different whether I'm logged in or not - I just get a few more buttons when I'm logged in.
The login is a large button at the top-left. There is a prominent "search" box nearby for folks looking for something specific, like a particular product or seller. There's also some good general exploratory content for folks who might be just browsing. The "popular products" list makes it kinda like a newsletter for both sellers and customers (always nice to see if you're trending, or what's selling well this month). Technical help, contact info, etc. is right where you'd expect it, at the bottom of the page. They do reserve some space for a small testimonial with a person's picture saying how much they like Scubbly, but certainly I don't mind seeing a human face in the middle of a long day at the computer. Actually, some of the testimonials seem watered-down, and I want to write a more emphatic one.
But all that is just smart design, and someone else could copy it if they recognized it for what it's worth.
The thing that takes Scubbly over the top, in my opinion, is Ian.
Nobody else who has handled my money online has responded to requests with succinct, direct emails.
Most places say "We'll get back to you within 24 hours" and what they really mean is "You will get a form letter from our server within 24 hours, after which you will get a form letter from our customer support team overseas, after which you will be asked to try a bunch of links you have already tried without success, and if you are prompt and persistent you may be able to keep us from flagging your question as "resolved" and we might actually have to forward it to someone who knows our software." It's much more common to get a flunkey who can only explain buttons to you, and help you do the work yourself; it's rare to get a technical person who can actually pull your account data accurately and adjust something as needed.
I've known places that were more personal and dedicated, but the customer support guy still had no leverage to convince the software engineers to do anything, and could only pass requests along.
When I have a request for Scubbly, I get a prompt, personal response from Ian. Usually it's a single sentence, giving me the exact resolution to my problem.
When my customers contact him, he will either handle their request with the same instant courtesy (even if it's something I could have done - if he knows my preferences, he will just do it instead of passing it along). Or he will pass the question on to me for a decision, such as a controversial refund request, with a succinct sentence covering any relevant details - again, I almost never need to look something up in my sales records if Ian has already done so.
I'm not surprised that Ian takes Paul's suggestions (they both do web software design, after all), but it's extremely flattering when he took one of mine as well. I suggested a particular type of lookup function, and he said, "That's a great idea, we can put that in the next software update." And I'm pleased but not expecting much - some web-service companies don't do more than one or two updates per year, and they don't always put every suggestion into action.
And then I am looking at the site again a few days later, and my search button is already there, and works great.
So what I've seen is an ongoing process of intelligent and creative improvements: the site was already good, but it slowly and discreetly gets ever-easier for me as a seller to handle my own problems without taking up Ian's time. And he continues to respond extremely promptly, personally, and professionally when there's a question that doesn't fit in the box. Or even if it does - Ian is ridiculously cheerful about feeding me data that I could have looked up myself, if it saves time.
I would say Scubbly consistently takes about 10% of the time I would expect, and saves me 90% of the hassles that I had come to expect from other service providers.
Our store has been hosted there for several years now, and I probably still thank Paul every few months for referring us to Scubbly.
-Erica W