"We carry a new world here, in our hearts..."
Cris Smith wrote:As far as organizing "stuff" my motto is: "A place for everything, and everything in its place."
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Ara Murray wrote:If you saw me now, you would realise why I am reading about organisation. I am sitting in a small room, laughingly called my study/craft room/occasional bedroom, surrounded by boxes of food and kitchen equipment. We are having a new kitchen fitted later this week so until that happens, my ideas of being organised are just dreams. I can't wait to put things in their proper places. I will also use the exercise to get rid of "stuff" which has already been helped by the bottom dropping out of a box when I picked it up resulting in the breakage of several items of crockery which are not essential.
Normally, I too rank my fiction books in alphabetical order of author's surname and dvds are also in alphabetical order - it just makes it so much easier to find what you are looking for.
I have learned not to tidy up after Mr Ara because he leaves things out of place to remind himself to do something.
Maybe by next year I will have an organised house.
Weeds are just plants with enough surplus will to live to withstand normal levels of gardening!--Alexandra Petri
Joy and abundance, Cory "Cimarron" Layne - Building a Permaculture community on 30 acres in SW Virginia Appalachian Foothills. Still looking for liberty-loving, resilient people ready for a challenge. PM me with your email address for more info.
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