Seed the Mind, Harvest Ideas.
Permaculture Playground Site FREE available at or agricultural and residential based Community Land Trust! Accepting Proposals!
Dustin Johnston wrote: Any way you can get us a copy of the trust and its legal structure so it can be repeated. Id consider doing this on my Barstow opportunity I presented to permies yesterday.
Permaculture Playground Site FREE available at or agricultural and residential based Community Land Trust! Accepting Proposals!
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Come join me at
Danielle Venegas wrote:I wanted to say be careful about the trust concept. I am involved in a federal criminal case right now where trusts were used to shield property from taxes. So be very careful about HOW it is set up as the government does not mess around. Some of the people involved weren't real aware what was being done. So just BE CAREFUL AND ASK A LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING ANYTHING!!!
To be honest I think your fears are completely unfounded. The only reason your money in a bank would disappear is basically if society and the government were to disappear. If that were to happen you could just go whack someone and take their property because it will be a complete free-for-all anyway. Save your money up, in an insured bank, and be calm yo.
Permaculture Playground Site FREE available at or agricultural and residential based Community Land Trust! Accepting Proposals!
Carbon is the currency of life. Nature eats my "carbon footprint" for breakfast!
Freakin' hippies and Squares, since 1986
Follow my journey to living out the farming dream at:
"It is, of course, one of the miracles of science that the germs that used to be in our food have been replaced by poisons." - Wendell Berry
Joseph Lofthouse wrote:You don't have to own land to be a farmer. Doesn't matter who the owner of the land is, if you are it's steward.
Why do you feel safe when mankind has only proven to be able to survive 12,000 years at a stretch...? Be prepared for the next probable end:
Security: Rhodesian Ridgeback; Animals: Scobies and rabbits; Diet: Born to Run; Religion: trust no one; my best posts/replies so far
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am only for myself, what am I?
If not now, when?
Idle dreamer
"It is, of course, one of the miracles of science that the germs that used to be in our food have been replaced by poisons." - Wendell Berry
A timing clock, fuse wire, high explosives and a tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies