Kai Duby wrote:I am just about ready to put down my $100 and head on up to Montana but I'm wondering if a tiny truck camper would be acceptable living quarters up at the lab. I've been living out of it for a few weeks and since I don't use electricity or propane it's basically a big box tent in a pick up bed. Would parking it somewhere out of the way but close by be alright?
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Ben Skiba wrote:My name is Ben Skiba I am very much interested in gapping at wheaton labs in the spring.april-may whenever you'll have me.I've listened to 100 podcasts and watched alot of videos More videos on Sepp who's my hero.I just like growing things building things tinkering and feel wheaton labs is the closest thing their is to seppin it.Anyway I wanna get the process started.Wanted to make sure you were still accepting gappers and what not.
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paul wheaton wrote:A gapper forks over a $100 gapper fee and then we will work with them to make all the arrangements for them to come out. We will arrange a bunk, maybe a spot to pitch a tent, but we do have proper bunks too (especially for winter).
paul wheaton wrote:Rides to and from the airport or bus station are $15 for "reasonable hours" and $35 for after 9pm and before 8am.
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Jeremy Butler wrote:I do like the idea of being a gapper for an ant. How would I get in contact with the ants to get to know them and to know which ones are looking for gappers?
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jim forster wrote:Hi Jeremy, we will be having a natural building workshop in May up at the lab. We will be building a timber framed, slip straw type of structure.
The event will be announced soon. You're welcome to join the event, or we will take on apprentices before the event to help prep materials.
Could gappers and/or bootcampers participate in classes and workshops through volunteering? I am wanting to come there to have an immersive experience that is going to expand my knowledge in permaculture and natural building.
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My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:
We have somebody here now that came with his wife and three kids. I was pretty skeptical about it - but it seems to be working out rather well. They all contribute and they are eating their own food. Usually for a boot we provide food staples. So they kinda came up with their own plan and it seems to be working out great.
Anthony Minot wrote:
I am mainly a gardener and can grow ANYTHING so I can see myself not only providing food just for my family but everyone else as well (setting up shop baisically) I might come with more than just my family depending on how things are on your end and if it's vaible. I'll email you with more details and see what you think so I don't clog this up. Also thank you for responding so fast I've never met a better group of people than on this site and yourself.
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One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane. -- Nikola Tesla
Shan Renz wrote:So, ants - is a gapper needed by any of you wonderful people?
I am much more experienced with permaculture than most, having lived a good chunk of the last three years in unpowered situations, whether on property or camping. I am very comfortable with gardening, woodfire cooking with staple foods, making campfire coffee, light woodworking, and working with cob and adobe. At the beginning of last year I built a garden for a friend before leaving the East Coast. When Paul began this program I had a very strong urge to participate and inquired toward it, but as a mom of 5 with a brand new baby at that time and an unwilling husband, I felt unable to do so. Now, said husband is out of the picture in one way and another, and I feel able to look at this again.
The catch is that I will not be bringing child care, nor will I be bringing much coin. I understand that families with children are already present. Does anyone think it might be a possibility that I could barter work for child care? Should I be able to work out the details, my intention is to work into being an ant myself, and two of my kids are old enough to work with me. (We homeschool, so it would just become part of lessons.) Depending on the answers I receive here, I should be able to take a Greyhound into Missoula within a week or two of this posting date. I'm looking forward to responses!
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~~~~speak kind words, hear kind echoes~~~~
Ask questions in this thread. When you are ready, send $100 (plus $20 for each additional person) via paypal to paul at richsoil.com (or bitcoin: 177pNU2a9iCpUXQwXX9EbtA2UwZpgeqcMT ) and somebody here will contact you via email.
How permies.com works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Watch your Diet. Learn to be Quiet. Everything else will be O.K.
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Watch your Diet. Learn to be Quiet. Everything else will be O.K.
Jeff Wesolowski wrote:HI Jocelyn,
My wife thought it would be best if we did a trip together and we are going someplace that week. Would like to come in Sept if I can get the time off work, thanks jeff
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Dustin & Ping, Galt's Retreat. Voluntaryist Ecovillage
Dustin Nemos wrote: Paul can you give us advice on how to bring other potentially like minded people to join what we are doing without opening ourselves up to too much risk?
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Dustin & Ping, Galt's Retreat. Voluntaryist Ecovillage
Miles Flansburg wrote:Dustin, I think Paul suggested podcasts as a way for you to talk about yourself, your views on the world and your ecovillage. Doing this helps other folks understand what kind of a community they would be joining , brings like minded folks to you, and helps you weed out folks who might be a risk. Listen to some of Pauls podcasts and you will get the idea.
I think the same would be true if you posted videos or had a blog attached to your village website, that folks could take a look at.
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Dustin & Ping, Galt's Retreat. Voluntaryist Ecovillage
Dustin Nemos wrote:How do you recommend reaching people?
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