Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Argue for your limitations and they are yours forever.
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Carla Burke wrote:Pearl, you definitely have me thinking. ...
But, finding work that is very flexible can be a challenge, anywhere you go. I'm pretty handy with a lot of those things - and so is my son. I've been thinking about finding something to help supplement our income, and the median age in that area is actually 64, because a lot of folks are retiring there. This just might fit our situation, perfectly! We can work together on the hard stuff, & split the lighter stuff up, according to the clients' comfort & the job. Thank you!
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Judith Browning wrote:
As it is I'll probably get one or two things done at a time when a family member stops by but would love to be able to just hand the list to someone and have them go for it. Hourly wages?
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Pearl Sutton wrote:
Judith Browning wrote:
As it is I'll probably get one or two things done at a time when a family member stops by but would love to be able to just hand the list to someone and have them go for it. Hourly wages?
And those of us who have no family who stop by are looking for people we can pay or barter with....
I've been sick since 1996, seriously chronically disabled. I think the last time one of my sisters did anything for me was a grocery store run somewhere around 2001.
My mom is fantastic, but there's limits to what she can do either.
A build too cool to miss:Mike's GreenhouseA great example:Joseph's Garden
All the soil info you'll ever need:
Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
My New Book: Grow a Salad in Your City Apartment - grow urban salad greens, sprout seeds in your kitchen
My Website
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Judith Browning wrote:I think it probably varies by region but am wondering what the going rate for this sort of work is? We pay our grandsons for work around our place, fencing and lawn mowing etc and tell them not to tell anyone how much because it's well above the going rate here for teenagers....they are our grandsons after all
Here I think not many adult house keepers or yard workers are earning much more than minimum wage.
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Greg Mamishian wrote:The number of folks 65 and older is growing faster than the total US population. By 2035 there will be more of them than children under 18. This fact makes taking care of the needs of oldsters a growth industry with a constantly increasing demand for helpers. Anyone, male or female, who works in this field will never be out of a job. Serving others is emotionally rewarding work for anyone who feels it's their calling and answers it.
A piece of land is worth as much as the person farming it.
-Le Livre du Colon, 1902
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
Mike Feddersen wrote:
I imagine there are a ton of women that would thrive in a situation where an older shut in needs some help in exchange for a safe place to live.
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed
Destruction precedes creation
M Wilcox wrote:I have wondered for some time if anyone would pay to have a person "interview" their senior family members and record them, for the purpose of saving their memories. Record them on discs (sound only) or video. Maybe edit for an extra charge. This could be in conjunction with being a companion, whether to provide company for a senior living alone or respite for families so they could go to dinner, a movie or do some shopping/errands.
Gardens in my mind never need water
Castles in the air never have a wet basement
Well made buildings are fractal -- equally intelligent design at every level of detail.
Bright sparks remind others that they too can dance
What I am looking for is looking for me too!
M Wilcox wrote:I have wondered for some time if anyone would pay to have a person "interview" their senior family members and record them, for the purpose of saving their memories. Record them on discs (sound only) or video. Maybe edit for an extra charge. This could be in conjunction with being a companion, whether to provide company for a senior living alone or respite for families so they could go to dinner, a movie or do some shopping/errands.
"How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.“ — Dorothy L. Sayers
please buy this thing and then I get a fat cut of the action:
Christian Community Building Regenerative Village Seeking Members