My 6 foot friend gave me a pair of jeans with a hole in the butt. I used the entire pair with just a handful of scraps left.
Most of the sewing was done by machine, as shown in this picture:
The main exception was sewing the bib to the original pants waistband because I wanted to be able to use the belt loops for hooking tools to, and use the button/buttonhole flap for tying the harvest apron drawstring to.
My "pattern" was all the great ideas/pictures in this
thread, where you can read more of my process of designing and building this apron (and see more pictures)
Here's the finished apron, although there are plans to add a nice red pocket to the bib to add a bit of colour. Since I want embroider it a little to make it cheery, it will be sewn on at a later date. I've been testing this apron, with adaptations as I went along, for the last week and am finding it very practical for animal care. I often find that in the field I need a place to put one more thing, and this apron, particularly the two oversize pockets, has proven its worth.