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master stewards:
  • Carla Burke
  • Nancy Reading
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master gardeners:
  • Christopher Weeks
  • Timothy Norton
  • thomas rubino
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  • Matt McSpadden
Topic Replies Topic Starter Last Post Forum Name
BB Replace a dishwasher - plumbing.straw.replacedishwasher PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Build a mobile water system on a trailer (fillable and emptyable) - PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Set up a micro hydro power system - electricity.straw.microhydro PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
BB Set up an uphill, frost proof cistern - plumbing.straw.cistern PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Make a water tower - plumbing.straw.watertower PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Make a rocket powered hot tub - plumbing.straw.rockettub PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Make a water wheel that generates power - plumbing.straw.waterwheel PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Make a ram pump - plumbing.straw.ram PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Extend a propane piping system to a new location - plumbing.straw.propane PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Install a deep well pump - electricity.straw.deeppump PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
BB Install a shallow well pump - electricity.straw.shallowpump PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
BB Create a deep well without drilling - plumbing.straw.deepwell PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Create a shallow well (10’ to 35’ deep) - plumbing.straw.shallowwell PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Install a sump pump and permanent exit piping - plumbing.straw.sumppump PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Build an outdoor shower - plumbing.straw.outdoorshower PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Make a simple sand filter - plumbing.straw.sandfilter PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Make a water filter - plumbing.straw.canisterfilter PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
BB Set up a power wall - electricity.straw.powerwall PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
BB Lead Acid Battery maintenance on twelve batteries - electricity.straw.batterymaintenance PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
Can you grind down concrete yourself? 34 Mike Haasl
Justin Szeliga
stone work
Are cross pollinated seeds within one fruit identical? 28 Mike Haasl
Chad Meyer
seeds and breeding
Bears, bees and chain link? 5 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
honey bees
Which nibbler(s) did this damage? 9 Mike Haasl
Drew Moffatt
Mystery hoofed animal 10 Mike Haasl
Lorinne Anderson
Soil test results have me wondering what to do or stop doing 17 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
gardening for beginners
BB "Charge and Carry" lithium battery power box - electricity.straw.lithium PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
[Wanted] Blacksmithing anvil for Wheaton Labs 17 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
flea market
BB Create a Travis Johnson style PTO driven home generator - electricity.straw.Travis PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
BB Augment a pickup to be a power generator - electricity.straw.vehiclepower PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
BB Set up an emergency back-up battery system that is always charged - electricity.straw.backup PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
Crazy idea for a shade structure made from sod 6 Mike Haasl
Rufus Laggren
wofati and earth berm
BB Replace or install a frost free spigot - PEP BB plumbing.sand.big.spigot 1 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep plumbing
Plants that consume excess nitrogen 13 Mike Haasl
Anita Martin
gardening for beginners
Woody perennial choices for a spot that gets flattened with snow? 13 Mike Haasl
Scott Stiller
tips for awkward spots
How to get the most life from a cedar fence post 2 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
Nature's wood chippers 3 Mike Haasl
Sonja Draven
BB Install a control system and pump for a cistern - electricity.straw.cisternpump PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
Animal Care badge - Straw/Wood/Iron brainstorming thread 1 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
BB Install 20 feet of wire to a finished space from unfinished - electricity.straw.20finished PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
BB Install a set of four way switches to control a light/device - electricity.straw.four PEP BB 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
BB PEP BB electricity.straw.doorbell - Install a new doorbell system 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
BB Make 1 gallon of maple syrup - PEP BB foraging.straw.maple 1 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep foraging
BB PEP BB electricity.straw.lightcircuit - Add a lighting circuit and circuit breaker 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep electricity
Ideal size for community garden plots 4 Mike Haasl
Morgwino Stur
gardening for beginners
Edible Acres - Lawn to Food Forest series 4 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
forest garden
Is there a way to create negative air pressure on a standard toilet? 12 Mike Haasl
Scott Perkins
Permaculture controls for cutworms 9 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
Permaculture controls for crop eating birds 6 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
Covid 19 and canning 4 Mike Haasl
Ellendra Nauriel
food preservation
I hereby dub thee "Apricot Gate" 3 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
forest garden
Permaculture controls for small outdoor rodents 2 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
Can someone please explain oil prices vs the stock market? 22 Mike Haasl
elle sagenev
ulcer factory
Wiki 2020 Permaculture Technology Jamboree Brainstorming
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
97 Mike Haasl
paul wheaton
wheaton laboratories
BB PEP BB metalworking.sand.marshmallow- make a marshmallow fork 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
BB PEP BB metalworking.sand.shelfbrackets - make a beefy set of shelf brackets 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
BB PEP BB metalworking.sand.weldball - weld a trailer ball to a tractor implement 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
BB PEP BB metalworking.sand.weldhooks - weld hooks or clevises to a tractor bucket 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
pep metalworking
Does a chicken's molting schedules change over the years? 5 Mike Haasl
Larisa Walk
Neat, meaningful, bizzare music video 0 Mike Haasl
Mike Haasl
meaningless drivel
Somehow I have air in my plumbing? 31 Mike Haasl
Dilek Yilmaz