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Julia Winter wrote:Done. The place is reserved from 4pm on 3/9 until 10am on 3/19. I just sent $2300 or so to VRBO last night--more will be due in February.
I'm going to start sending PMs to people about where to send money.
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Jocelyn Campbell wrote:We're still working out the van details.
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and FarmsĀ -
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:Another 5 or so in a second and/or third car, I suppose?
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Adam Klaus wrote:Appropriate time to give a BIG UP!!! to Julia for making this all happen with the house.
gonna be some sort of awesome....
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Finally I might also require a pit stop at In&Out Wednesday night when I arrive.
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Jeinny Solis wrote:Anyone arriving to LA airport on March 12 after 15:00 that could share a ride to Temecula?
My latest project : Fermentation Revolution
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Susan Cousineau wrote:... The second house (417074) claims a rate of $166.50/night if 4+ nights are booked, but it only sleeps 6 as opposed to 10 for the first listing.
Never - No, wait. That's Always... check your references.
Laine MacTague wrote:
Susan Cousineau wrote:... The second house (417074) claims a rate of $166.50/night if 4+ nights are booked, but it only sleeps 6 as opposed to 10 for the first listing.
Update - This one's (above) gone. It looks like Susan, M, & I would make 3 ppl for the one M listed. I'd be happy to get 5 more ppl & draw straws or whatever for beds - I'm more interested in being close to the conference, and spending minimally on accommodations, & I tend to sleep better on the floor in my bag, anyway. It sounds like a really nice house, with a lot of amenities (which likely none of us will have time to use). I explained to the manager about who we are & what we are there for - she thinks the owner would even be okay w 10 ppl in the house, considering the likelihood that we will make such light use of it. I think we might be able to negotiate that into a lower price for, say, 8 ppl. As it is, it looks to be working out to be about 45 / night / person, about 3 mi from the conference.
I would like to hear (asap) from more people interested in this. Are there any?
John Paul Smajda wrote:
I'd be down for $45 a night. Just to be clear, which house are you talking about specifically??
Never - No, wait. That's Always... check your references.
Laine MacTague wrote:
John Paul Smajda wrote:
I'd be down for $45 a night. Just to be clear, which house are you talking about specifically??
Actually, this one
works out to about 38/night minimum, for 10 ppl 3 nights.
This one
Looks to be around 45-50 at this point.
Never - No, wait. That's Always... check your references.
Best luck: satisfaction
Greatest curse, greed