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Mary Allan wrote:Thanks for all that good info. After having a glut of plums I started making a plum liqueur.
Pack a large jar with an equal weight of plums and sugar, fill with alcohol, I have a still so that's cheap for me. If you don't make your own alcohol you might want to use a smaller jar ;)
Anyway, make sure the plums are covered by the alcohol, put the lid and and put the jar in the back of a cupboard for at least 6 months.
The liqueur is delicious and the plums make a wonderful tipsy addition to desserts.
I have a still so that's cheap for me.
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OK, that was totally not clear to me. Most of the naturally fermented foods I've made, have liquid from the beginning. So what I've started, is more of a "sauerkraut" made with plums?I layer them and put a weight on top (bag with water or beans). It usually takes about a week for that liquid ("umezu") to come out.
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Jay Angler wrote:So what I've started, is more of a "sauerkraut" made with plums?
I picked some more plums and put them in a 1.7 liter jar with ~20% salt. I double bagged some dried peas as a weight, but wasn't convinced it was heavy enough, so I added a jar of water. I just don't have an ideal container for it - the jar mouth is to narrow compared to the widest part of the jar. But all I've got to loose is some salt and some plums, so we will wait and watch!Tereza Okava wrote:the plums will release their water when they are put in with the salt. I layer them and put a weight on top (bag with water or beans). It usually takes about a week for that liquid ("umezu") to come out.
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I've been caught by that when trying to ferment things. Usually my house is on the cool side for fermenting, but sometimes it gets hot like this and things take half the time I expect!r ranson wrote:I failed to take into account how hot it is this year. We are usually cooling down by now, but summer arrived about three weeks ago and we aren't getting the cooler nights like we should.
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In most situations, I agree this is the case. With proper ume boshi, the recipe had me starting with *no* liquid - so is the liquid is created by oozing out of the plums due to the weight or is it a chemical reaction of the salt drawing the liquid out of the plums in which *more* weight won't make any difference. I don't know enough to even guess whether the kitchen chemistry is option 1, option 2 or a third option I haven't thought of!Ellen Lewis wrote:I think "heavy enough" is simply sufficient to keep the water level above the food. I don't think it's about compressing the food. And even if it were, a bag of peas is probably better distributed than most weights. I use a mesh disc with a rock on top.
I think I also was expecting too much, too soon. Dates/time are not my strong suit, and I think my pictures are really more representative of 1 week and 2 weeks and a bit, but somehow I confused a week. If a plate works for you, then what I've used should be enough.r ranson wrote:Usually a plate is heavy enough. The presoaking seems to make them ooze more juice. Maybe that is why we do it?
There is certainly no sign of the fruit splitting, nor any sign of decay, but with the salt there, I think mold would have a tough time anyway!Ellen Lewis wrote: I think it's the osmotic pressure of the salt drawing the water out through the skin. The plums simply oozing, or worse, being squashed by the weight, would have small breaks in the skin, which would make the plums prone to decay until the brine was high enough to cover...
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Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
This year I simply threw my fallen green apricots into the leftover brine from some pickled beets. I just remembered and decided to try them. I guess they've been in there a couple of months. Odd, mildly beety flavor. Too mild for umeboshi, though a lovely deep pink, and a decent texture.
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