"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is." C.S. Lewis
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." C.S. Lewis
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At my age, Happy Hour is a nap.
Matt McSpadden wrote:Hi Stef,
The picture does not look as steep of a hillside as I imagined when I was reading your description, but you still want to be extra careful. I am not a building expert, but some questions come to mind. The first is what climate are you in? I'm not familiar enough with Tennessee to have a sense of whether or not cold weather and rainfall would effect how you should build. You mention the foundation only being 6" below ground. That seems quite shallow to me.
Stef said, "Should the rubble trench match the slope of the hill? Should I dig the trench to be stepped?
How high should I raise the earth floor from the ground?
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Michael Qulek wrote:What is the frost-line in your area? You will want the footer to go below the frost-line. I would think 18" would be appropriate? Do it right the first time. It's not like you can go back and improve on it later.
Why rubble and not a standard concrete footer? With a cement mixer and some help, I poured the footer for my 40X20' workshop/carport in one day. Mixed, poured, load after load till I went around 360 degrees of footer. I can envision windows shattering, and doors not opening once your rubble foundation settles in the next year or two.
"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is." C.S. Lewis
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." C.S. Lewis
Matt McSpadden wrote:Hi Stef,
Keep in mind that the 18" below grade that was suggested would be for the lowest corner. The other corners will be much deeper.
"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is." C.S. Lewis
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." C.S. Lewis
Stef Hoff wrote:
How much did the concrete cost you for your workshop, if you don't mind me asking? There is a quarry down the road from me that will dump 22 tons of rubble for $600. I'm not sure how the price compares to concrete. As for settling, thanks for scaring me. I've seen videos where people fill the trenches with water to 'pre-settle' it, but I do not know how effective that is. I'll definitely consider concrete more.
Matt McSpadden wrote:Yes. your footer should be level all the way around. The vertical foundation wall can somewhat follow the lay of the land, but its going to need a flat surface to start.
Generally after the footer is in place, you would build the vertical part of the foundation wall. And it is common to build it so that the top is roughly the same height above the ground level all the way around. This means part of the vertical wall might be 6ft (5ft to get to ground level and 1ft above) and at the lowest part it might only be 2.5ft below (18" to ground level and then 1ft above ground level). So the foundation wall could stair step down from the higher side to the lower side, but you would want the footer flat. Does that make sense? Then you build on those stair steps for your house wall. I included a really bad drawing. The footer will be wider than the foundation wall. The exact sizes of everything will vary depending on what sort of foundation you make.
"The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is." C.S. Lewis
"When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind." C.S. Lewis
Iterations are fine, we don't have to be perfect
My 2nd Location:Florida HardinessZone:10 AHS:10 GDD:8500 Rainfall:2in/mth winter, 8in/mth summer, Soil:Sand pH8 Flat
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