'Life is a whim of several billion cells to be you for a while.' groucho marx
"I have a cluttered mind, you might have to tell me again" I'm okay with that. I now have more posts at: www.evvie01.com No central theme yet though, and I'm still learning.
Peter Dressler wrote:Здравствуйте, welcome back Yury! Definitely going to get one of these hoes, they look very useful. By the way, are there a lot of other eco-minded folks in Russia? I'm learning Русские and would love to eventually use it to talk with other folks interested in Permaculture.
Permaculture tools, recommended by Sepp Holzer: https://ecominded.net/garden-tools
Emilia Andersson wrote:Hello! Nice tool and welcome to the forum. Can you get them in Mexico?
Permaculture tools, recommended by Sepp Holzer: https://ecominded.net/garden-tools
John Ruckman wrote:The Fokin hoe looks like half of a Hazel or Stirrup hoe. Unfortunately the video was too fast to follow on my phone so I'll assume they are somewhat similar in usage. I'm wondering though if it can be used to get rid of heavy clump grass which is a problem around here.
Permaculture tools, recommended by Sepp Holzer: https://ecominded.net/garden-tools
Yury Smirnov wrote:
carla beemer wrote:Welcome Yury! Have you ever used the Fokin hoe with a short handle, so it could be used while kneeling!
Well, originally it was made by V.Fokin with a long handle for a reason. He, being handiсapped himself (problems with spine), found it much easier to work with a long handle - does not need to bend his spine.
However, some of our customers also asked about short handles, (50-60 cm) and following their requests, we can provide short handles as well.
Alan McGill wrote:
Helo Yury, I garden from a wheel chair. One of my favorite tools is a short handled hoe. This looks like it could replace that tool and expand the effectiveness of my labor. Do you know of people using a Fokin hoe from a wheel chair? Thanks, Alan McGill
Permaculture tools, recommended by Sepp Holzer: https://ecominded.net/garden-tools
Together is our favorite place to be
Bonnie Kuhlman wrote:Hey Yuri, So glad to see you here again. I was just trying to clear the mess in my berry patch and now I think know what I need. This is so timely. I want to put down mulch to help control weeds, but there is a lot of tall grass. I can't cut it without tearing up the berry plants right now, and I can't get to many of the berry plants without cutting it and cleaning out the patch - about 40 yards X 20yards. It's too much for me to do by hand. Would the Fokin hoe allow me to clear thick grassy weeds under and between a thick patch of blackberries? Also, could it be used to remove those that have grown where I don't want them?
Permaculture tools, recommended by Sepp Holzer: https://ecominded.net/garden-tools
EBo --
Master Gardener (Prince George's County, MD, USA)
Ebo David wrote:
As a formally trained tool and die smith and machinist, I wonder what steel was used to make them. Normally I would make these types of tools for myself, but at the cost you probably cannot even get the materials as a DIY. That said, there is a joy that comes with wielding tools make with your own hands. Also, forging a bi-metal tool (spring steel spine, and a tool-steel edge) would be a bit work, but would also likely last several lifetimes.
Permaculture tools, recommended by Sepp Holzer: https://ecominded.net/garden-tools
Permaculture tools, recommended by Sepp Holzer: https://ecominded.net/garden-tools
Chris Ferenz wrote:Wow what a wonderful tool! thank you for having a give away... Willhave more time to read thru all this but my question is how much?
missed it so far but will read more
Permaculture tools, recommended by Sepp Holzer: https://ecominded.net/garden-tools
Permaculture tools, recommended by Sepp Holzer: https://ecominded.net/garden-tools
Will Staves wrote:the shipping is more than the item!
Is it actually coming from Russia?
Could someone get a bulk order and stash on Amazon for quicker and cheaper distribution on this side of the oceans?
Permaculture tools, recommended by Sepp Holzer: https://ecominded.net/garden-tools
"The only thing...more expensive than education is ignorance."~Ben Franklin
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." ~ Plato
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