This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in
For this badge bit, you will need to create (or update) a map showing the points of interest. It can be made on paper, cloth or
wood. Or, it could be entirely digital.
NOTE: This is a Community Badge Bit. As such, your map's main audience
should be someone other than yourself. It should be easy to read, and helpful for navigating and using the area depicted. Having it be visually appealing and/or simple & educational are big helps in this regard. Maps are fun to make, and to use!
Here's an example of a map I made of my property (I used my husband's old khaki pants and ink.)
Tips on making maps:
(1) Find a map (google maps is great for this) of the area, zoom in as close as you can. You can print it up if need be. This can be used for reference. You can also put it behind your cloth or paper map and use a light desk (or bright window) to shine the printed map through to your future map, so you can sketch out the locations accurately.
(2) Sketch out the areas with PENCIL before inking. This way you can adjust the spacing if you really need to.
(3) Use consistent, repetitive shapes for things like trees--this will help accent your named locations. Drawing things at a 45 degree angle, rather than straight down helps to identify them. You can also make identifying things larger than to scale. like my ducks and cats are.
Here's a
video that might help:
Map by Davin Hoyt
To qualify for the badge bit, you must:
- Make a map that depicts and names at least a dozen different areas (only six required if this will be on cloth or wood).
- Post pictures of at least three of the areas named/depicted on the map.