posted 4 years ago
Submission flagged incomplete
Quick question, could I complete this by using my bathwater to wash my clothes in the washer? Absolutely no soap or products go in the bath. In Japan it is usual to take a very quick shower to clean your body. (Turn off the water whilst lathering up) then get into the bath. The whole family uses the same bath water one after another (you only get in once you are clean). After you all have soaked in the bath, you then use the water to wash your clothes. I use a pump to transfer the bathwater to my washer.
If it wouldn't qualify here, is there somewhere else it would?
(I clicked submit rather than certify but somehow it still shows up like I want to certify something, which I don't. Sorry!)
Staff note
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Mike Haasl flagged this submission as not complete.
BBV price: 1
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