Permaculture...picking the lock back to Eden since 1978.
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Permaculture...picking the lock back to Eden since 1978.
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greg mosser wrote:if i recall correctly, some garlic families are way more likely to produce viable seed (and are thus more useful as a starting place for a project like this)...i know purple-striped varieties like chesnok red are supposed to be good for seed production...but the other good seedy families escape my seive-like memory at the moment.
please note, many grocery store garlics, like california white, are softneck garlic, and are unlikely to flower at all, let alone produce seed. the garlic that doesn’t produce seed generally produce tiny little topsets instead, which is the same, genetically, as just growing the cloves from the bulb, with the added bonus of an extra year of growing to get to useable size.
Greg Martin wrote:Hi, was just wondering if anyone here is working with true garlic seeds. Here's an article on getting garlic to produce true seeds.
Getting a landrace together sounds like a good thing to get going for extra health and vigor, and I wonder what potential there might be for hybrids. Other ideas?
Nathan Watson wrote:
Speaking from my own experience, it isn't difficult to get garlic to produce seeds. I have a perennial row of garlic in my garden, and it flowers and then produces seeds abundantly every single year. What I do differently that causes it to seed is I leave it alone. I harvest the greens but seldom harvest the bulbs underground.
Jan White wrote:
Nathan Watson wrote:
Speaking from my own experience, it isn't difficult to get garlic to produce seeds. I have a perennial row of garlic in my garden, and it flowers and then produces seeds abundantly every single year. What I do differently that causes it to seed is I leave it alone. I harvest the greens but seldom harvest the bulbs underground.
This sounds reasonable, but I think it still depends on variety.
Permaculture...picking the lock back to Eden since 1978.
Pics of my Forest Garden
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B Beeson wrote:Thank you Nathan, that is a very profound insight. I never thought of that.
Do you know if the garlic you have is hard or soft neck?
Jeff Peter wrote:Thanks for correcting me. Bulbils, not seeds is what I collected.
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