Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
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I have once. I planted a 30 ft row of store bought garlic(softneck) in the fall of 2022 just to see what would happen. It didnt do well at all. I dug up maybe 5 ft worth it in different spots and decided it was not worth digging up so i left it to rot. I was taking advantage of the nice weather mid February in the upper midwest and noticed the store bought garlic i had left to rot was growing again. This time instead of there being 2-4 clover per 1 i originally planted there were at 8+ cloves. Im assumning they eventually grow together to form a head but im contemplating digging them up and replanting each bulb individually.
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Nancy Reading wrote:
I have once. I planted a 30 ft row of store bought garlic(softneck) in the fall of 2022 just to see what would happen. It didnt do well at all. I dug up maybe 5 ft worth it in different spots and decided it was not worth digging up so i left it to rot. I was taking advantage of the nice weather mid February in the upper midwest and noticed the store bought garlic i had left to rot was growing again. This time instead of there being 2-4 clover per 1 i originally planted there were at 8+ cloves. Im assumning they eventually grow together to form a head but im contemplating digging them up and replanting each bulb individually.
Hi and welcome to Permies!
So how long did you leave them the first time? till early summer? Were they just tiny with little cloves? Maybe the spot wasn't optimum for them, or maybe they have somehow acclimatised. I find that garlic doesn't really like my climate and would just disappear if I try and plant it out - in the polytunnel however, it is practically perennial!
Apologies for the delayed response. I only planted them once in the fall of 2022 and thought they had died. We ate the few harvested july of 2023. I harvested one today I'm going to experiment with. Should be a decent crop this season considering this was one on the smaller side. [/quote wrote:
It looks like you didn't let them grow long enough. Those are still the single cloves you planted, or did you already break the head apart?
When garlic really gets going, the plants are quite large compared to the greens in your picture. With softneck, I think the clove starts to develop into multiple cloves similar to hardneck , after a center shoot (scape) comes out. You cut this off and the bulb starts to divide into multiple cloves. The scapes are edible, with a milder flavor than the cloves.
“So I'm lightin' out for the territory, ahead of the scared and the weak and the mean spirited, because Aunt Sally is fixin’ to adopt me and civilize me, and I can't stand it. I've been there before.”
Joshua States wrote:@Legion Air, for the record these are hardneck garlic that I planted in September as single cloves. They will probably be ready to harvest late summer.
It was one bulb i broke apart. I was curious to see if it was growing properly for being planted 2 seasons ago and left. I will post updates itt as the season goes by. Wdym about cutting center though. [/quote wrote:
Scapes are the flower/seed pod that grows out of the center of the plant. I'm not sure if softneck produces scapes, maybe someone can clarify for us. I only grow hardneck varieties.
Anyway, you cannot mistake them for something other than what they are. They have a long thin stem and a pod shape at the end. These are cut off once they start curling to encourage the bulb to divide and produce more cloves.
“So I'm lightin' out for the territory, ahead of the scared and the weak and the mean spirited, because Aunt Sally is fixin’ to adopt me and civilize me, and I can't stand it. I've been there before.”
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